Any retirement alliance out there looking?
I'm looking to step back from logging in constantly...any retirement alliances out there still looking? My in game name is the same as my forum name if you want to look at my profile...
We are a 9.5 mil, 44332 AQ, Gold 3 AW active alliance. We have a bunch of positive, good guys. Check us out at Nerd Brigade. If you are interested, hit us up on line @geedoesit or @groundround. I hope that you find a great new place to hang out. If you are still looking, though, it would be worth giving us a look. Thanks.
Semi retired guys doing map 3 x 5 in AQ and AW when we feel like it. No donations. No drama. You can reach me on Line or in the game. Name is the same in both.
We are a 9.5 mil, 44332 AQ, Gold 3 AW active alliance. We have a bunch of positive, good guys. Check us out at Nerd Brigade. If you are interested, hit us up on line @geedoesit or @groundround. I hope that you find a great new place to hang out. If you are still looking, though, it would be worth giving us a look. Thanks.