M.O.D.O.K. Bug

Ever since he was introduced, Modok could auto-block while stunned, which shouldn’t happen according to his spotlight (Said at the bottom with Limber)

But after dueling and facing him for months in EQ and wars, he still does this and it easily throws off combat and can open up your champ for some unfair retaliation from him.
Non-auto-blocked hit while stunned:

Auto-blocked hit while stunned:

Can we get a fix soon? He’s already annoying to fight without this bug, let alone with it.

But after dueling and facing him for months in EQ and wars, he still does this and it easily throws off combat and can open up your champ for some unfair retaliation from him.
Non-auto-blocked hit while stunned:

Auto-blocked hit while stunned:

Can we get a fix soon? He’s already annoying to fight without this bug, let alone with it.