Ghost Rider vs Thanos

Apologies if there's something I'm just confused about but whenever I fight a high health Thanos with Ghost Rider, the L3 doesn't wipe off the judgments when damnation expires. I noticed this first in RTTL and then again tonight in the celebrity challenge.
I go thru a normal cycle of judgments, nothing special. I place 5 on him with a duped Rider and then throw the L3. Damnation applies, Thanos then has 6 judgments and shows that he has 6 judgments. Once damnation ends, the 6 judgments under his health bar remain. At that point, I'm unable to place new judgments and their "secondary effects" don't trigger either. So, the remainder of the fight is just a straight up brawl with no ability to perform another bleed/fury/fate seal/power drain/life steal/damnation.
As I said, I noticed this way back when i finished RTTL with my 4* Rider, and it certainly made the fight tougher. But at that time, Ghost Rider seemed to be having that issue in other content as well so I shrugged it off bc I made it thru the fight.
With the first 3 quests of the celebrity challenge, I didn't get the opportunity to test this because of Thanos' health. But with the last one, the above description happened with my 5* Rider. He doesn't have this issue in any other game content as I have used him in aw and aq recently. He also didn't have the issue vs other Champions in the quest. It was specifically Thanos.
So did I miss something about Thanos in particular that causes this or is it a bug?
I go thru a normal cycle of judgments, nothing special. I place 5 on him with a duped Rider and then throw the L3. Damnation applies, Thanos then has 6 judgments and shows that he has 6 judgments. Once damnation ends, the 6 judgments under his health bar remain. At that point, I'm unable to place new judgments and their "secondary effects" don't trigger either. So, the remainder of the fight is just a straight up brawl with no ability to perform another bleed/fury/fate seal/power drain/life steal/damnation.
As I said, I noticed this way back when i finished RTTL with my 4* Rider, and it certainly made the fight tougher. But at that time, Ghost Rider seemed to be having that issue in other content as well so I shrugged it off bc I made it thru the fight.
With the first 3 quests of the celebrity challenge, I didn't get the opportunity to test this because of Thanos' health. But with the last one, the above description happened with my 5* Rider. He doesn't have this issue in any other game content as I have used him in aw and aq recently. He also didn't have the issue vs other Champions in the quest. It was specifically Thanos.
So did I miss something about Thanos in particular that causes this or is it a bug?