Ghost Rider vs Thanos

chunkybchunkyb Member, Content Creators Posts: 1,453 Content Creator
Apologies if there's something I'm just confused about but whenever I fight a high health Thanos with Ghost Rider, the L3 doesn't wipe off the judgments when damnation expires. I noticed this first in RTTL and then again tonight in the celebrity challenge.

I go thru a normal cycle of judgments, nothing special. I place 5 on him with a duped Rider and then throw the L3. Damnation applies, Thanos then has 6 judgments and shows that he has 6 judgments. Once damnation ends, the 6 judgments under his health bar remain. At that point, I'm unable to place new judgments and their "secondary effects" don't trigger either. So, the remainder of the fight is just a straight up brawl with no ability to perform another bleed/fury/fate seal/power drain/life steal/damnation.

As I said, I noticed this way back when i finished RTTL with my 4* Rider, and it certainly made the fight tougher. But at that time, Ghost Rider seemed to be having that issue in other content as well so I shrugged it off bc I made it thru the fight.

With the first 3 quests of the celebrity challenge, I didn't get the opportunity to test this because of Thanos' health. But with the last one, the above description happened with my 5* Rider. He doesn't have this issue in any other game content as I have used him in aw and aq recently. He also didn't have the issue vs other Champions in the quest. It was specifically Thanos.

So did I miss something about Thanos in particular that causes this or is it a bug?


  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,447 ★★★★★
    chunkyb wrote: »
    Apologies if there's something I'm just confused about but whenever I fight a high health Thanos with Ghost Rider, the L3 doesn't wipe off the judgments when damnation expires. I noticed this first in RTTL and then again tonight in the celebrity challenge.

    I go thru a normal cycle of judgments, nothing special. I place 5 on him with a duped Rider and then throw the L3. Damnation applies, Thanos then has 6 judgments and shows that he has 6 judgments. Once damnation ends, the 6 judgments under his health bar remain. At that point, I'm unable to place new judgments and their "secondary effects" don't trigger either. So, the remainder of the fight is just a straight up brawl with no ability to perform another bleed/fury/fate seal/power drain/life steal/damnation.

    As I said, I noticed this way back when i finished RTTL with my 4* Rider, and it certainly made the fight tougher. But at that time, Ghost Rider seemed to be having that issue in other content as well so I shrugged it off bc I made it thru the fight.

    With the first 3 quests of the celebrity challenge, I didn't get the opportunity to test this because of Thanos' health. But with the last one, the above description happened with my 5* Rider. He doesn't have this issue in any other game content as I have used him in aw and aq recently. He also didn't have the issue vs other Champions in the quest. It was specifically Thanos.

    So did I miss something about Thanos in particular that causes this or is it a bug?
    u miss thah he dubuff imuns meant it wont rest the jugemeant.

  • chunkybchunkyb Member, Content Creators Posts: 1,453 Content Creator
    @Gamer so that's all it is? Seems pretty simple, I guess haha. I'll play him again just to clarify for myself. I'm guessing the technical side is that since he's debuff immune, damnation isn't placed even tho the judgment is. And since there's no damnation on him to wear off, that's the reason that all the judgments all stay. Interesting.
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