lf for a indian timing friendly alliance

Looking for a friendly alliance. Due to work pressure stopped playing for some time. Again started but don't want to pressure myself by going into high tier alliance .just happy with some friendly guys and want to enjoy the game with them. Must do wars and aq . Line id - spktobala


  • hungryhungrybbqhungryhungrybbq Member Posts: 2,262 ★★★★★
    Hey there, we have one member in India and one in New Zealand, but the majority of our alliance is US. It seems to work just fine. We are friendly and laid back, but we are active in all wars and quests. Donations are currently 100k gold and 15k bc. We do map 5 and 4. Gold 3. Weekly SA. We rotate in and out of expert tier and need a couple more active players to nail it down. As long as you can participate in AQ and war and make donations...that's all that we're looking for. We use discord for communication and tools. Give me a shout of your interested. Thanks.
  • hungryhungrybbqhungryhungrybbq Member Posts: 2,262 ★★★★★
    *if you're :)
  • spktobalaspktobala Member Posts: 43
    I'm happy
  • spktobalaspktobala Member Posts: 43
    U guys not using line
  • Fishman13579Fishman13579 Member Posts: 98
    I tried looking you up on line but I couldn't find you. Contact me at fishman13579 if you're still looking. Thanks
  • Ffnmvigyivygyvk_1Ffnmvigyivygyvk_1 Member Posts: 89
    Add me on Line ffnmvigyivygyvk 11mil maps 5x5 tier 5-6 AW
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