very active new alliance looking to merge with another alliance with similar goals.

We started our alliance when a group of us was working hard in an alliance that was about 25-30 members strong on average. The leaders were never online so the top 7 or 8 of us decided to create our own team. We now have 19 members however only 10-12 of us contribute to the alliance.
We progressed as an alliance last season and easily reach high rank rewards in the summoner advancement weekly. Imaging how well we could do with more active players.
We constantly help each other and we wish to merge with another alliance or even 2 depending on numbers. We can bring 10-12 great players to the party.
Please get in touch if you are interested.
We progressed as an alliance last season and easily reach high rank rewards in the summoner advancement weekly. Imaging how well we could do with more active players.
We constantly help each other and we wish to merge with another alliance or even 2 depending on numbers. We can bring 10-12 great players to the party.
Please get in touch if you are interested.
We can take the numbers you are talking about
We do map44422 because it requires less donations which are 40k gold 2500 loyalty
We have no minimums in terms of events those who can participate and do there and those can't because of life commitments are excused
We do 2-3 rounds of AW weekly 2bgs we managed to reach gold 3 in the last season too
Our main aim is to balance between life and gaming to have fun and enough upgrading materials in the minimum cost that's why we stick to map4
Hit me on line app of interested we will be really honored to have u guys with us my I'd is stiky901
Inhuman X-Force
Yes we do map 5x5 in expert tier. AW gold 1, tiers 4 to 7.
Gold 1 and do 5x5.
We. Want to hit platinum in season 2
Some of our guys had to retire (exams, army deployment)
We r Gold 1 in AW with prestige 5.2 K,
We play map 5*5 , Mix of Asian - Us timezone.
If u r assembled ,We can come over there too !!
Let me know if anything works..
We r currently 8 Million alliance with 19 members, should be over 5K + prestige to make a merge!!
Ign: Lparveenz
Line: Lparveenz
We are 19 players currently
Map -5×5
Alliance tag - HEANT
Mbh8- Marvel's bounty hunters
AQ 5x5
1600+ war rating
Gold 1
I could offer you your own BG and officer spots
Line and ign: earth Rick c137