ArchAngel nerfed silently
It’s been quite long that I have noticed ArchAngel is not performing the same as before. His special one doesn’t give bleed stack or convert bleed into neurotoxin. His Special 2 used to convert/ place neurotoxin which isn’t happening now...
Several of Us have him as Rank 4 or5 5star and if he is nerfed by kabam silently or whether is it bug that’s not letting him to perform as before is to be decided by kabam game... as a user of this game, I have given my feedback. Many users do face the same....
If there is no Action taken , I will post the video of present performance of ArchAngel compared to his Old performance in YouTube channel and then pretty sure Community will speak...
Thank you and Hope you to fix him soon...
Several of Us have him as Rank 4 or5 5star and if he is nerfed by kabam silently or whether is it bug that’s not letting him to perform as before is to be decided by kabam game... as a user of this game, I have given my feedback. Many users do face the same....
If there is no Action taken , I will post the video of present performance of ArchAngel compared to his Old performance in YouTube channel and then pretty sure Community will speak...
Thank you and Hope you to fix him soon...
Are you sure you aren't just moving into more difficult content? Higher opponent rating means less ability triggers. I just moved into A5 and it is harder to get neurotoxin, but when I replay an A4 quest is is back to normal.
And if it is in arena or AWD, then it also depends on whether the person has suicide mastery in place making it much easier to convert.
While I may not immediately suspect a silent nerf, but don't get me wrong, I would love that every fight my AA's neurotoxins get triggered with 100% success rate at the start of the fight easily and continue to stack and knock the opponent out within seconds!
Challenger Rating does not affect opponents’ ability accuracy.
Very true! It should have no effect on Neurotoxin proc'ing
But it would effect one of AA's type of bleeds. (The one based on critical hits)
I know that this is what the Mods say, but the problem is it's clearly false. Crits and such absolutely proc more against lower opponents than against higher.
Ability accuracy and crits are very different.
Mods have said challenger rating doesn't affect ability accuracy but have said openly that it affects crit rating. So by association things that need to crit to activate have a lower chance
It’s hard to imagine the champs are so perfectly balanced and that it stays that way in all game modes. If it was, there wouldn’t be so many mode specific issues. Like getting blocked/parried when you immediately attack after blocking a full combo in war but it never happens in arena or quests.
Having to tune specific characters/fights/modes isn’t new. It’s common and usually nececcary in rpg’s as they get bigger and more complex. It’s understandable, but I think there could be a little more transparency.
Ability accuracy is not a flat stat, and therefore unaffected by DR. Only things affected by DR can be affected by challenge rating, because challenge rating is a part of the DR system. Critical chance is a flat stat, and therefore affected by both DR and CR.
#1 If you start the fight with a parry/heavy the chance for a bleed is a lot less than months back. I find this to be even lower vs champs with more armor.
I don't know if its challenger rating or armor or something else. Its NOT rng.
#2 This is new and starting this month. With active bleed(s), a block is not converting to poison. Also NOT rng, it is very obvious it is not what it was. His sp1 and converting to neuros seems to be working fine.
The BIGGEST problem with AA is my 5* crystals wont land on him, and I have a mutant gem. Its killing me
That's what I meant, sorry about the poor explanation from me. I tend to equalize less triggers to CR because so many rely on crits.
Not saying you don't have issues though because I also find AA a little unreliable on occasion.
Or is it just me?
I was just using him in thanos event and comparing to WS rol. In event i wasn't converting 1 or 2 bleeds with several blocks before it ran out... Im aware of nodes.
In rol im getting poisons over 90% with 1 or 2 bleeds. Funny how how hard it is to get just 1 bleed vs WS.
His heavy attack says he has a 50% chance to inflict bleed with a heavy attack (up to 4 bleeds), and I'm seeing more and more frequently that he's not inflicting any at all. I don't know if that means 50% chance *per hit* or *per heavy attack*, and it's further confused with the fact that he can inflict anything from 0-4 bleeds. If it's "per hit", then you should reasonably expect 2 bleeds per heavy (On average). The "Per Heavy" 50% chance would better explain the frequency of the 0-bleed events but wouldn't explain the 0-4 stacks you get.
I see the 0 more often against significantly higher PI champs. It's harder to guage against small opponents because they're usually dead fairly quickly.
And then each bleed stack grants a 25% chance to inflict poison when blocking an incoming attack. Against higher ranked champs I have frequently blocked a full 5-hit combo with 3 bleed stacks and had 0 poisons from it, but against lower ranked champs the poisons are much more frequent against lower odds.
I honestly think it's influenced by something in the game. Could be character rating (which I still think is ****), or it could be tied to the various game modes (arena, special event, story, etc).
I assume the rating is lower for WS in ROL vs 5*/6* and lowers crtis/bleeds?
What I don't understand is % chance of converting the bleed. Isn't that a proc?
Again I tested vs Thanos and couldn't get a poison from a block. Also his sp3 didn't stun Thanos. Even though hes on stun immune shouldn't AAs ability for 100% stun work?
To be honest I rarely would choose to use him on stun immune. Pretty sure i have in the past dealing with some annoying fights. Can't remember where
Only a bleed can be converted into a Neuro, in that, a poison has to be activated well.
His specials give him a % to apply a bleed and a % to apply a poison. But, in order to apply a poison, there has to be a bleed.
So, his special could apply a bleed then a poison and it not be converted into a Neuro; likewise, his special could apply a bleed, a poison and another poison... which would not convert into a Neuro.
However, if the special applies a bleed, poison then bleed, the last bleed will be converted. This also applies if there is already a bleed on the opponent.