Please allow Dark Artifacts to be exchanged for Infinity Dust and vice versa

I'm really excited about the new Infinity Dungeon but very bummed out about the fact that the crystals we will purchase with Dark Artifacts contain basic champs. This basically makes those crystals just a +1 (or +0 if a champ is maxed) to the signature ability for players near the top with large rosters of 5*s. As is, these crystals are very likely to give me almost nothing, compared to early stage players who will benefit greatly.
I think it would be beneficial to have a way to exchange Dark Artifacts for Infinity Dust and vice versa. That way players who want more champions can get them by exchanging dust for artifacts and players who need more rank up materials can get them by exchanging artifacts for dust. Skim something off on the exchange too even, like 100 dust = 50 artifacts and 100 artifacts = 50 dust. But give us the option please. All you'd have to do is add Infinity Dust to the Artifacts store and Dark Artifacts to the Dust store. It probably could be coded in 20 minutes and it would greatly benefit a lot of players to add this flexibility.
I think it would be beneficial to have a way to exchange Dark Artifacts for Infinity Dust and vice versa. That way players who want more champions can get them by exchanging dust for artifacts and players who need more rank up materials can get them by exchanging artifacts for dust. Skim something off on the exchange too even, like 100 dust = 50 artifacts and 100 artifacts = 50 dust. But give us the option please. All you'd have to do is add Infinity Dust to the Artifacts store and Dark Artifacts to the Dust store. It probably could be coded in 20 minutes and it would greatly benefit a lot of players to add this flexibility.
Basic or not it’s still a bonus
So, if I pull a 5* Gwenpool and she's already sig 200... what bonus is it still?
I'll answer for you, none. It is literally zero reward. Doesn't seem like a good use of my time to pursue it then, does it?
Well a better question to ask would be if you’d get a max sig crystal...
I already know the answer to that. For a basic champion, no, there is no max sig crystal. For a full champion, yes, there is.
If they're not going to change those dark artifact crystals to have full champions, the least they can do is allow some sort of exchange of dark artifacts for infinity dust.
No you do not know the answer to it. Basic champs won from arena don’t because you aren’t spinning them, they aren’t a crystal. Btw I’m not saying your wrong but a difference in actual proof then just assuming.
The point I'm trying to make is I don't see the need to cross it over if people can't use what they get.
Just as an aside to give some perspective, it would be truly imbalanced to separate the goal of the event for a small number of players when the majority of the player base will benefit from it
It is highly unlikely I pull a new champ from any of these crystals. I don't think you're getting it, there are players in the game who already have every single champ available in these crystals. I don't, but the reality is I'd be lucky to get 1 new champion with 3 tries.
What about those who haven’t got them? It’s a great way to build up rosters and obtain champions that you have been chasing
If you have already got all these champions at max what’s the point in doing it. Oh I forgot teamwork and new gameplay
This is a new mode for all of and we might know very little about how it works but I’d wait until you actually play it
You always have the option of not spending the damn things.
Sheesh,When you think you'll get basically nothing out of something, Suck it up and don't do it,
It's for players without big 5* rosters/4* or even 3* rosters ((I don't judge)
You can always not do it,Man.
They said in the post that the champs that would drop from these crystals count as basic champs
In what way? I'm not suggesting changing anything in the crystals or their availability. I'm suggesting adding the ability to exchange artifacts and dust for each other. In fact, my suggestion might actually help out someone who needs more 5s on their roster as they could do the opposite of what I'd do.
To the OP it would be cool to be able to swap one for the other.
As for your theory that certainly could be the case but I wouldn't think it is just quite that thought out. I see it similar to other things were it's like, "Here's a trial and here's an award". Not exceptional consideration as to all the ins and outs. I'm not saying they're not smart just not the best rewards we could hope for.
I don't think it gives anyone an unfair advantage. Please elaborate how it is giving anyone an unfair advantage.
It gives players more choices. But every player would be able to choose what suited their personal situation best. That isn't an advantage when it is the same for everyone.
Are you just trolling just to troll? Serious question.
I have the majority of champs in every crystal, most duped. I'm not interested in 6 weeks of work in the dungeons for a total of +3 signature ability.
The newest players won't have access to the 5*s.
Then don’t don’t do it 🤔
If it doesn’t benefit you at all then the option to not do it is available for free.