How many hits does Hype l3 count as?
Hi all, question for game team.
Normally as far as I understand, an l3 counts as a single hit. Hence why iceman ice armor can eat l3s .
However it seems to be working different with killmonger. You can see in the video below that hype l3 is taking away 2 indestructible charges. Curious as to why? Thanks
Normally as far as I understand, an l3 counts as a single hit. Hence why iceman ice armor can eat l3s .
However it seems to be working different with killmonger. You can see in the video below that hype l3 is taking away 2 indestructible charges. Curious as to why? Thanks
This is shown in the Chadwick & Tom challenge with the 15-hit combo requirements. If you use a champ like Ultron and run a SP3 (25-hit combo), the AI won't take any damage because it's one damage source, but the counter will hit 15 and unlock damage for the first hit after the special is complete.
In the case of Killmonger, it sounds like his mechanics are based on number of hits and not necessarily the number of sources. This could very well be a bug, but would definitely warrant a review of KM's abilities (I don't have him at all, so I can't check).