Why does Kabam feel the need to hide prestige from the players?

I've been playing this game since the first few months of release and I have never understood why prestige was such a big secret that Kabam enjoyed keeping from the player base. It is a huge part of the game and they refuse to share this info. The fact that we have to rely on third party community sourced prestige info seems pretty silly to me.
Is there some legitimate reason for Kabam to keep this information hidden from players? I get why they did not want to reveal drop rates for crystals since it would hurt sales. But I do not see how releasing prestige info would. Why the veil of secrecy ?
Is there some legitimate reason for Kabam to keep this information hidden from players? I get why they did not want to reveal drop rates for crystals since it would hurt sales. But I do not see how releasing prestige info would. Why the veil of secrecy ?
So you want to spend massive amounts of units and gold to remove masteries and put them back just to find out a number that should be public in the first place ?
Mastery respec resources are not refundable.
We shouldn't have to do all that to see Prestige. Why do I know how many duels or quests I've done, but the one factor that influences a large part of my game I have to figure out on my own? It just doesn't make any sense.... Like 0. And I don't think I've ever seen a post from a mod explaining why everything is based on Prestige but we're not allowed to see that Prestige easily...
@Kabam Miike I've been wondering the same. Is it true there is a number or factor in your support site that we can use to calculate our prestige besides third parties.
I mean, in your statement you all said that those calculations are off. If they are off then why not help us by displaying that number yourselves? I don't get it
Thanks for the thoughtful post!
Classic awful Kabam defense post to deuce on other players. Bravo.
You could use a prestige calculator which is even easier.
You could also download an app.
Or, the Kabam could just put it on the player screen.
There are ways of not being a jerk and providing helpful info while also not defending poor design decisions at the same time.
Because it’s used competitively. Use your head a little bit people
What's even more strange is they said the community tool isn't quite accurate... they have known for awhile and still done nothing to correct it. So we have all just been reaching in the dark for 3+ years apparently smh I'm so sick of this
Haha . What joke!. Do you really wanna take off your hard earned masteries ?
Agree...it is silly at this point for them to reference a number that the game obviously keeps track of, but not give us that number.
It’s not even displayed to the person owning the account either. Should the person not know their own prestige too?
What’s the harm in us knowing something we should.
I just feel like if that number is used to determine AQ difficulty and points, and now being used as a measuring stick for events..we shouldn't have to use calculators to figure it out. I just can't fathom why they do not want to add it to our profiles.
The trouble with that is it's their metrics. Now, I can understand why revealing it before the Event would be problematic. People would be rushing to Rank, asking for Tickets, mayhem basically. From a business standpoint, I can see why not making it a focus is wise. If you're offering a product, you want people to look at all factors, not just Prestige. Many Champs are useful but not high in Prestige. It's only one factor, and is not useful to focus on outside of their own internal gauges. If you're encouraging people to focus on Prestige, you're opening them up to miss out on other Champs that are good.
I see what you are saying as far as what Kabam's likely intent of not making the number visable when prestige first became a factor...I just feel that ship has sailed a while ago. It is a relatively known quanity (most calculators may not have it down to the exact number Kabam uses, but they are pretty close) and they themselves use it as a measuring stick. If Kabam really wanted to keep it even as far as champ perception goes, prestige could have easily been a simplified system of assigning a point value to star level/rank/level instead of making it individualistic. (i.e. a 4* 4/40 sig1 is 3000 prestige, a 4* 5/50 sig 1 is 4000 prestige with sig levels bridging the gap between 3000 and 4000) It just feels like they want it both ways...they do not want it to elevate or cheapen the perceptions of any particular champ...but they use it to determine points and/or potential event rewards.