Alliance War percentage explored calculation is broken?

I recently join a small alliance.
They started war with 3 bgs and and very few people joined.
And our opponents of bg3 didn’t even placed any champs
5 people who joined bg3 from our alliance have more exploration points than bg1 and bg2.
This issue is effecting MVP.

I recently join a small alliance.
They started war with 3 bgs and and very few people joined.
And our opponents of bg3 didn’t even placed any champs
5 people who joined bg3 from our alliance have more exploration points than bg1 and bg2.
This issue is effecting MVP.

*And its per bg not per ally.
Youll see it even out after the war.
This percentage varies on how many person joins war based on that exploration calculation is counted.
If any allinace leader or officer wants to get more Mvp titles, Just open all bgs and explore till boss. They will be MVP
I guess there is issue with MVP calculation.
So basically what i am trying to say a person who took all nodes down and even boss will not be mvp but a person who has less people in bg will be a MVP