I have had to stop looking for partners for the dungeons on global chat and disable it because of people spoiling the movie, it's INSANE some people sit on global for hours just to upset ppl by saying what happens every few minutes, I just want to scream, I shouldn't have to stop playing the game or using global chat because people are getting enjoyment out of there something that can be done about this? Why can't the ones the keep repeating this be punished by maybe disabling their global chat for a period of time? I understand people are going to spoil it but the ones that are making it a full time job are seriously getting under my skin..
Players are only punished if they post spoilers in the forums.
you can choose not to read global chat too.
For me- I can still enjoy the heck out of a movie hearing a “spoiler”. It’s never taken anything away from the movie. Watching it for myself I get to see what leads up to said spoiler, or still enjoy the ride even though I know the ending. That sort of makes a movie better, if it can be spoiled and yet you still enjoyed the crud out of it 🤪
Because is a free chat that can't be controlled. People can say anything there as long as they are not insulting anyone, or promoting something against the ToS (account sharing or fake websites).
Giving spoilers in that chat is not against the rules. And even if it was, it wouldn't be possible to control it.
If you want to find partner for the dungeons in the global chat, then do it. If you don't want to get spoiled, turn off global chat and don't do dungeons with strangers. There is no solution for everything
Yes I completely agree. Since day 1 I turned off global chat and the game is wonderfully peaceful (minus the guy in my alliance who can't stop obsessing over feet)
You could also join an alliance and find someone to do dungeons there too. :-)