Modok Boss Bugged (Again)

16wegnerk16wegnerk Member Posts: 214 ★★
So I know there have been issues in the past with the Modok Boss of 5.4 and how he is supposed to turn off his autoblock only when hit by a heavy or unblockable attack. There have been many times I fought that guy and he didn't turn off the autoblock ever, and the only way I could get through that broken fight was with Blade. Now they brought the same node into EQ and they still haven't fixed the issue! I just finished a fight with my 6* Red Hulk against Uncollected Modok where my strategy the entire fight was parry and heavy, but the autoblock charge thing never went away. Is anyone else having this issue?


  • Cats73Cats73 Member Posts: 314
    I used my stark spidey and only used heavies, but the force field was still there, but blade’s heavies turned it off.
  • CanarioCanario Member Posts: 167
    My AA took care of him no bother.
  • 16wegnerk16wegnerk Member Posts: 214 ★★
    Yeah, I've been able to get him down pretty easy (5* 4/55 Blade), It's just annoying that he's basically my only option because the fight is still bugged. Good to hear that AA works! I managed to get my voodoo to work with the ability accuracy reduction from odd combo too. Guessing Ability Accuracy reduction is the only working option..?
  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 8,699 ★★★★★
    Auto block by heavy seems to only be removed if it's 2 hits dunno if intentional but has been there since 5.4 was released
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