Which unduped 4* character should I take to R4 first?

spfspiderspfspider Member Posts: 20
My R4 4* characters so far are Nightcrawler, Morningstar, Red Hulk, and Angela (all unduped). I play events through Heroic ( looking to get further in Master level), AW, AQ and typically 3*-4* arena to 150k.

Which unduped 4* character should I take to R4 first? 12 votes

Unduped 4* Luke Cage
Slux83BlacksparkRabarberstengelNickeybob 4 votes
Unduped 4* Rogue
SMiller80ParindaphillgreenCrazyjack719Elitehuntershadow_lurker22 6 votes
Unduped 4* Winter Soldier
cx234333 1 vote
Unduped 4* Storm
DarkZen 1 vote
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