Expiring T4cc

BRJ2002BRJ2002 Member Posts: 84
Is there any way to save or get value out of an expiring t4cc if you can’t use it?


  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★
    Get value out of them by using them...
  • ThatweirdguyThatweirdguy Member Posts: 675 ★★★
    No it is a terrible system at the moment. Either rank up a champ you don’t really want to rank or let it expire. Sad
  • BRJ2002BRJ2002 Member Posts: 84
    Sadly nothing to use it on and with the gold shortage it’s going to be wasted. Sad
  • KnightarthusKnightarthus Member Posts: 419 ★★★
    Doesn’t make sense we can’t sell them for anything
  • Mirage_TurtleMirage_Turtle Member Posts: 1,868 ★★★★
    Turns out, putting "B" and ")" right next to each other makes an emoji. Learn something new every day.
  • JRock808JRock808 Member Posts: 1,149 ★★★★
    I’d say that’s not a valid assumption. Some people simply don’t have a champ of the class to rank. Maybe they lack alpha or basic or gold. Maybe they opened crystals hoping to rank one class, but rng decided to give them 6 science cats and zero cosmic.

    There really is no defense of the stash limits and expiration of resources. It’s not done to save hard drive space, it’s completely arbitrary to force people to use it or lose it, and then get more when they can use it.

    Telling people that opening crystals and acquiring resources is wrong is indicative of flawed game design.
  • ThatweirdguyThatweirdguy Member Posts: 675 ★★★
    Also some people are forced to open T4CC crystals to rank a certain champ like I was when I R5'd Blade. As a result I ended up with overflow on several classes. Also I highly doubt people are not ranking up Gwenpool she widely know as a top champ
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,198 ★★★★★
    Nice problems to have...
  • Mirage_TurtleMirage_Turtle Member Posts: 1,868 ★★★★
    JRock808 wrote: »
    I’d say that’s not a valid assumption. Some people simply don’t have a champ of the class to rank. Maybe they lack alpha or basic or gold. Maybe they opened crystals hoping to rank one class, but rng decided to give them 6 science cats and zero cosmic.

    There really is no defense of the stash limits and expiration of resources. It’s not done to save hard drive space, it’s completely arbitrary to force people to use it or lose it, and then get more when they can use it.

    Telling people that opening crystals and acquiring resources is wrong is indicative of flawed game design.

    If you have T4CC in your overflow, I don't buy that you don't have any champ in that class that can be ranked.
    As for lacking gold, T4 basics, or alpha cats, again, T4CC doesn't sneak up on you. You know when you're close to the cap and when one goes in the overflow you have 30 days to do something about it. That's plenty of time to make up the extra resources. You just have to look ahead a bit.
    And I've been there with lopsided T4CC RNG before. I once opened 19 at once and got 0 skill cats. However, I knew the risk of opening them. I knew there was a chance that I could go over on another class and send cats into the overflow. That was a decision I made and a risk I took. If it doesn't go my way, I'm not going to pout. I'm going to shrug my shoulders and plan on ranking the other champs I had in mind in the event of an overflow. Forethought.

    Stash limits force people to be thoughtful with their resources. Back when items didn't have caps, people had literally thousands of potions in their inventory. It took away a lot of challenge in the game. Imposing limits force people to think about their moves; their upgrades. I like the level of analysis that limits require.
    Also some people are forced to open T4CC crystals to rank a certain champ like I was when I R5'd Blade. As a result I ended up with overflow on several classes. Also I highly doubt people are not ranking up Gwenpool she widely know as a top champ

    You might be surprised how many top alliances have cooled on their perception of Gwenpool. I think she's still great. Before Blade came along, she was EASILY the top skill champ by a wide margin. But now Blade is in the mix and he's also a skill champ. So if people are forced to choose between ranking GP or waiting for Blade, many will wait for Blade. Also, as time goes on, there are more and more champs who are either bleed immune, bleed resistant, or shrug off bleeds quickly. Gwenpool struggles in these matchups where her main competitor (Blade) doesn't. I don't see many bring her to AW for this reason...they don't want to be stuck using her against a strong Bleed immune champ. And she's not a good defender. Many don't bring her to AQ since she doesn't have any healing capabilities. Especially now that Sentinels are the new Symbioids. I'm really not seeing her in AQ these days. Nowadays, she seems most useful for questing. I'm not saying people aren't ranking her anymore at all. I'm saying there are people who would skip ranking her in order to save the resources for Blade.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    Maybe this is an unpopular opinion, but I'll share it anyway.

    Expiring T4CC is generally indicative of either
    A) Unrealistically lofty standards or
    B) Poor Planning

    For A), people will often post their rosters stating they don't have any good champs to rank up. These people will often have plenty of solid options. Champs like Gwenpool, Ultron, Rogue, Angela, Morningstar and plenty of other very good champs will get dismissed because the Summoner is holding out for the likes of Blade, Iceman, Ghost Rider, Stark Spidey, etc. You don't need the absolute best champs to clear content and be competitive. Sure, it helps, but everyone having the same few champs is boring. And if you're on the verge of a T4CC expiring, you likely have a lot of resources. Take a less common champ to 5/50 or 3/45 and try them out. You might be pleasantly surprised with the results.

    For B), T4CC doesn't just flood into your inventory automatically. You typically have to work for it. You know you only have 12 slots available for each class. If you're getting close to 12, hold your crystals. Stop opening Uncollected Daily Crystals. Stop opening AQ crystals. Stop opening T4CC whole/shard crystals. In crystal form, they never expire. Don't open them until you need them.

    So much of this game is resource management. It's practically impossible to be able to rank up every champ you have. Spend resources where it's necessary, save them when it isn't. Plan ahead and useful resources will never expire.

    I doubt many people are not ranking champs like Gwenpool because they are waiting for Blade. People don't usually have expiring T4cc due to poor management. It's usually because they only need one particular class. If you need 2 mystic cats but have other classes full how are you supposed to get the mystic without opening crystals? As you say, T4cc don't just flood into your inventory automatically lol.
  • Mirage_TurtleMirage_Turtle Member Posts: 1,868 ★★★★

    I doubt many people are not ranking champs like Gwenpool because they are waiting for Blade. People don't usually have expiring T4cc due to poor management. It's usually because they only need one particular class. If you need 2 mystic cats but have other classes full how are you supposed to get the mystic without opening crystals? As you say, T4cc don't just flood into your inventory automatically lol.

    Like I said, only open the crystals only when you have a plan in place in the event of an overflow. Just because you want to rank up a champion doesn't mean you have to do it right away. If you want to rank your mystic and you are at risk of sending skill and cosmic into the overflow, only open the crystals when you have the mystic champ, skill champ, cosmic champ, and resources to deal with the overflow.

    In my mind, this game punishes the impulsive and rewards those who believe in the concept of delayed gratification.
  • whaler213whaler213 Member Posts: 151
    @Mirage_Turtle i have science t4cc in my stash litterally my only science 5* that isnt rank 3 is an unduped spidergwen what should i do?
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    whaler213 wrote: »
    @Mirage_Turtle i have science t4cc in my stash litterally my only science 5* that isnt rank 3 is an unduped spidergwen what should i do?

    Duh, obviously manage your resources better next time
  • Mirage_TurtleMirage_Turtle Member Posts: 1,868 ★★★★
    whaler213 wrote: »
    @Mirage_Turtle i have science t4cc in my stash litterally my only science 5* that isnt rank 3 is an unduped spidergwen what should i do?

    Take Spider-Gwen to rank 3/45 or find a 4* science champ to take up to 5/50. Possibly a diversity defender. Abomination can nab some surprise kills from time to time. MODOK, Void, Yellowjacket, Electro can be viable defenders.

    Conversely, do you have any science 3/45 that are worth taking to 4/55?
  • djr17djr17 Member Posts: 719 ★★★
    whaler213 wrote: »
    @Mirage_Turtle i have science t4cc in my stash litterally my only science 5* that isnt rank 3 is an unduped spidergwen what should i do?

    I assume by this you mean you've already ranked SG to 5, right? :D:D:D
  • IOSJasoNIOSJasoN Member Posts: 649 ★★★
    I've stopped opening whole crystals just the shard ones (in hopes I get enough of what I need and not too much of what I dont).. But I see your point.. You should be able to do something with them.. Personally I'm sick of watching T4B expire, with T5B in the game it's a no brainer you should be able to sell them..
    Then there's thesezs2k42vsk97q.png
    (They hold no relevance to the post just hoping kabam sees feels sorry for me and gives me someone worth ranking lmao) All you can do with the T4CC is hold it till the very last day and then rank someone (don't level just rank) it's what I'm doing with the T2A..
  • Mirage_TurtleMirage_Turtle Member Posts: 1,868 ★★★★
    djr17 wrote: »
    whaler213 wrote: »
    @Mirage_Turtle i have science t4cc in my stash litterally my only science 5* that isnt rank 3 is an unduped spidergwen what should i do?

    I assume by this you mean you've already ranked SG to 5, right? :D:D:D

    I think your quote was a little messed up. I'm not sure if you were talking to me. But no, my SG is at 2/35. I don't have any t4CC expiring.

  • djr17djr17 Member Posts: 719 ★★★
    djr17 wrote: »
    whaler213 wrote: »
    @Mirage_Turtle i have science t4cc in my stash litterally my only science 5* that isnt rank 3 is an unduped spidergwen what should i do?

    I assume by this you mean you've already ranked SG to 5, right? :D:D:D

    I think your quote was a little messed up. I'm not sure if you were talking to me. But no, my SG is at 2/35. I don't have any t4CC expiring.

    If by messed up you mean sarcastic, yes.
  • Mirage_TurtleMirage_Turtle Member Posts: 1,868 ★★★★
    IOSJasoN wrote: »
    I've stopped opening whole crystals just the shard ones (in hopes I get enough of what I need and not too much of what I dont).. But I see your point.. You should be able to do something with them.. Personally I'm sick of watching T4B expire, with T5B in the game it's a no brainer you should be able to sell them..
    Then there's thesezs2k42vsk97q.png
    (They hold no relevance to the post just hoping kabam sees feels sorry for me and gives me someone worth ranking lmao) All you can do with the T4CC is hold it till the very last day and then rank someone (don't level just rank) it's what I'm doing with the T2A..

    Are you waiting for any champ in particular?

    I'd be curious to see your roster. I take all my 5* champs to 2/35 (2 T4 basics each). If that were done and I had basics in the overflow, I'd take 4* champs to 4/40. This helps with both arena points and solo advancement events.
  • Mirage_TurtleMirage_Turtle Member Posts: 1,868 ★★★★
    djr17 wrote: »
    djr17 wrote: »
    whaler213 wrote: »
    @Mirage_Turtle i have science t4cc in my stash litterally my only science 5* that isnt rank 3 is an unduped spidergwen what should i do?

    I assume by this you mean you've already ranked SG to 5, right? :D:D:D

    I think your quote was a little messed up. I'm not sure if you were talking to me. But no, my SG is at 2/35. I don't have any t4CC expiring.

    If by messed up you mean sarcastic, yes.

    I'm not sure why my statement would lead you to believe I have a rank 5 Spider Gwen. It didn't seem sarcastic. It was a pretty big leap in logic.
  • djr17djr17 Member Posts: 719 ★★★
    djr17 wrote: »
    djr17 wrote: »
    whaler213 wrote: »
    @Mirage_Turtle i have science t4cc in my stash litterally my only science 5* that isnt rank 3 is an unduped spidergwen what should i do?

    I assume by this you mean you've already ranked SG to 5, right? :D:D:D

    I think your quote was a little messed up. I'm not sure if you were talking to me. But no, my SG is at 2/35. I don't have any t4CC expiring.

    If by messed up you mean sarcastic, yes.

    I'm not sure why my statement would lead you to believe I have a rank 5 Spider Gwen. It didn't seem sarcastic. It was a pretty big leap in logic.

    It didn't lead me there, and it is pretty obvious that SG is one of the worst characters in the game. There was no leap in logic in my original statement, only sarcasm. I am sorry for any confusion.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,440 Guardian
    JRock808 wrote: »
    I’d say that’s not a valid assumption. Some people simply don’t have a champ of the class to rank. Maybe they lack alpha or basic or gold. Maybe they opened crystals hoping to rank one class, but rng decided to give them 6 science cats and zero cosmic.

    There really is no defense of the stash limits and expiration of resources. It’s not done to save hard drive space, it’s completely arbitrary to force people to use it or lose it, and then get more when they can use it.

    Telling people that opening crystals and acquiring resources is wrong is indicative of flawed game design.

    No, actually it is not. Because human beings are all different, they are the source of a wide range of uncontrolled variables that exist in any game like MCOC with resource balancing. It is impossible to make a game in which every player has the same perfectly balanced earning curve. Inventory caps are one way to deal with the extremes in circumstantial resource imbalances. They are essentially a fundamental game design tool.

    You're assuming the alternative to inventory caps is uncapped inventory. It is not. The alternative to inventory caps is extreme scarcity so no one can earn enough resources to fill inventory. To make sure even the highest earners cannot completely eliminate the resource constraint for any resource, *most* players have to be unable to earn practically any of them. Inventory caps provide more freedom in the resource earning system because you can increase resource earning opportunities for all without causing the largest and most efficient earners to break the resource constraints of the game. What looks like a problem for some is actually good design targeting the majority of players.
  • IOSJasoNIOSJasoN Member Posts: 649 ★★★
    T1A has always been a problem for me it's the one resource I rarely ever have, so have to be careful using them :-/ But never mind I know who I'm ranking up now :smiley:
    Got overexcited took the screen shot to early lol7xm7xr4otmgt.png
    OMG!!! Basic 5* crystal.. Terrified my wife by jumping off the sofa screaming.. lmao..
    Big Big Big Thank you to Kabam your pity for this summoner in need is greatly appreciated..
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    Congrats @IOSJasoN
  • SIlverProfessorSIlverProfessor Member Posts: 520 ★★
    Sometimes it’s not a matter of not having a champ you could rank up. Me personally I don’t want to use the resources to r5 a 4*. I’d rather spend those resources on a 5*. Problem is I only get a 5* about every 3-4 weeks. Right now it’s not even having too many t4cc as a problem (or gold for me)...but t1 alphas.
  • KibiKibi Member Posts: 57
    this is a legit issue
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  • DL864DL864 Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★
    whaler213 wrote: »
    @Mirage_Turtle i have science t4cc in my stash litterally my only science 5* that isnt rank 3 is an unduped spidergwen what should i do?

    Duh, obviously manage your resources better next time

    Great answer. Way to add to the conversation
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