Uncollected thanos

I know it is not going to be easy in uncollected mode. And it was actually fun and much challenging till reaching 30% hp of Thanos where I have to intercept and safeguard me.. but Thanos never comes for dashing forward attacks which isn't okay. ( I have tried all possible interception styles) I am able to intercept at least once only after I lose a champion.
On top of everything, Thanos is faster than any other champion. So interception attacks which should land not lands perfectly. So if I practice it I ll have to lose all other tricks and methods I use generally,at least for somedays.
@Kabam Miike #kabammed
On top of everything, Thanos is faster than any other champion. So interception attacks which should land not lands perfectly. So if I practice it I ll have to lose all other tricks and methods I use generally,at least for somedays.
@Kabam Miike #kabammed