Phantom Special Attacks (Black Sky)

Mr_OtterMr_Otter Member Posts: 1,614 ★★★
So an interesting thing happened while fighting the 1st UC Thanos. I popped a special with Hulk and expected a big BOOOOOOM 4-20k depending on critical or not cause Fury, Smash and Rage were all active for a monstrous Sp2…

The sky went black and… I got punched. I chalked it up to Thanos glitching our or something I missed in his “L3 of death” phase and rage quit until I have more items and units from the rest of the month to back my return

Then I was in dungeons earlier today and well it was an Abomination right before the boss. Cable was about to burn that slime ball. The sky turned black and I was waiting to land the finishing blow but… I got punched!

Can anyone else confirm this happening? Using a special, having the meter drained but nothing happening?


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