Free Agent

AQ Map 4/Silver or Gold AW
Must be an active group that has full participation. I'm not looking for a drill sergeant team, but if ppl put their time in to a team event then it's only fair to expect the same from the rest of the team.

I have a real life, family, career etc...can't be on 24/7, and don't have time to grind 5x5...
Any 5/4/3 combo is fine, and AW of course. I'm not concerned if the alliance is in a high teir for season rewards as long as it gets 5+4 star shards and can make SA weekly.tdycjkqs68ra.png


  • FixitMobbFixitMobb Member Posts: 315
    We might be perfect for you. Let me know if you think we are right place for you and I will make a spot for you if we don’t have one when you are ready to join us.
  • RjhoughRjhough Member Posts: 2
    If you are atill looking we run 55533 and are gold 1 for aw message me on line rjhough
  • PrimeSaviour_27PrimeSaviour_27 Member Posts: 400 ★★★
    We're a 10 mill alliance, relaxed and in gold 3 AWA.

    AQ:- we run 44433, this gets use all the milestones in AQ and puts us in advance tier rank 701-1001.

    Donations:- we don't have a set amount for donations, all we ask is you give what you can. If the treasury is running low though we will ask every member to donate at least 55k gold.

    AW:- we ask every member to place there defenders within 20hrs and place at least 4/40 4*.

    We don't push our members for events. However for completion at the start of the month we get all milestones, towards the end normally just the t1a.
    Item use we always get all milestone.

    Only thing we ask is members to be able to complete their lines in AQ and AWA.

    Fill free to message me on line:-

  • Ground_Round1Ground_Round1 Member Posts: 1,012

    We are an organized 10 mil Gold 3 alliance. We are active and have a growth mindset. We play 44332 in AQ and usually run 2 BG's for war. It is a nice mix of fun, at ease play and focusing on growth. We use discord for team comms. If you have not found a good fit to land into, get a hold of me on line @groundround. Thanks, and good luck.
  • VampLoveVampLove Member Posts: 13
    I have a Small team of 10 very active adult players, we concentrate on Events and Aw. Trying to grow my alliance but am having a hard time finding players willing to put their part into events. We may be what you are looking for and you are the kind of player I’m like looking for. S nd me a request in the game Vamp Love or alliance tag is FSoK.
  • Fishman13579Fishman13579 Member Posts: 98
    We have no event minimums. Do aq map44445 and AW weekly. This gets us all AQ milestones and expert tier aq rewards every other week. We hit sa weekly as well. Look up fishman1357 in game and check out the alli. That's also my line Id so contact me if interested
  • BigDaddyCoconutSBigDaddyCoconutS Member Posts: 148
    The Hell Fire Club
    Is searching for new summoners that can hold there own.
    Map 44422
    Map 44222

    Aw is gold 3 season
    Currently at tier 8 but trying to climb up
    2 Battle groups Free for all


    •Must have at least 20 r4/40’s 4*
    Least 5 r5 4* and or r3 5*
    Preferred if you have better but yea.
    So you can handle AQ & AW together.

    •Donations kick back gold from AQ earnings and some loyalty of your choosing least over 2k cover map 4 cost.

    We have a long time member/officer core just searching for people that actually
    •Clear Lines on AQ &AW
    •If KO’d willing to revive and help the team.
    •Team Players
    •Also just have fun crushing foes to the best of our abilities.

    Any Questions feel free to ask.
    Add on Line or in game

    Leader: Magic or []v[]agic
    Line ID: Magicstorm

    Recruiting officer: Døctør187
    LineID: Linemesoohard

    Alliance tag is (TH-FC)
  • ConsolissConsoliss Member Posts: 5

    Have you found an Alliance yet? If not send me a request and we can go from there. No donations or penalties for not preforming. Yet we do have a few mandatory requirements that goes with playing the game. We maybe a good fit for you over here, look we are more than happy to bring you in.
  • nvrcmecomin1nvrcmecomin1 Member Posts: 160
    I sent you line message
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