Crystal Opening Disappointments at 5 and 6 Stars

I am very disappointed with my personal RNG openings on 5 and 6 star crystals over the last 5 months. Today I opened 5x 5 star featured champions and yesterday 1 6 star featured champion. I found that only 1 of these champions, 5* hood, combined will get some reasonable play on my account. Firstly this is because I do have a reasonably strong lineup already but secondary because the champions I got were all old champions.
For me this is a big problem playing this game right now. A new champion is introduced and it is added to the unit crystals. These crystals are already expensive, roughly 10$ US, for a 2% chance at a 5* champion and anywhere between 0.4 and 0.9% of a featured 5*. This is exceptionally expensive in my opinion and that is coming from someone who has spend far too much already on this game.
Eventually these champions are added to the 5* featured crystal with "equal" chances at all champions. In the case of Corvus you can look at 84-100 days from champion introduction before they even make it into this crystal. These crystals cost 1.5x the cost of a normal 5* crystal. Afterward they are put into the base pool along with numerous other champions.
3 months from champion introduction or exceptional spending and STILL a very low chance at acquiring these champions is a big reason that is very quickly driving my away from this game. I am finding that new champions released are barely playable at a high level for me because the odds of getting them are just so low. These champions add up quickly meanwhile it is likely a year before they are reasonably found. I also realize that they end up in Arena but those numbers are prohibitive to reach.
I realize some of the ideas here of rarity, making money, but at this point it just seems like a big slug and a grind for for very little reward. I can't seem to get the new champs as 5s, which is all I would use at this point in questing/AQ/AW.
Maybe this isn't an opinion shared with the community but gosh it just seems like the time spent to get new champions is exceptional and/or expensive. Even then when you get a lot of them it's not even worth it because it doesn't fit play style.
To close since I don't like to offer a complaint without ideas:
- Put new champs immediately in 5*s.
- Update featured every month with an increased chance at featured.
- Substantially reduce costs across the board. At the rate champs are released people can pay to do them right. This will reduce piloting too.
- Focus on the fun and collecting factor and stop making so much stuff rare to get.
Bottom line, a game that is excessively expensive and time consuming for meager rewards is driving me quit. If it doesn’t start to change lots of players will too and by then changing things will be too late.
For me this is a big problem playing this game right now. A new champion is introduced and it is added to the unit crystals. These crystals are already expensive, roughly 10$ US, for a 2% chance at a 5* champion and anywhere between 0.4 and 0.9% of a featured 5*. This is exceptionally expensive in my opinion and that is coming from someone who has spend far too much already on this game.
Eventually these champions are added to the 5* featured crystal with "equal" chances at all champions. In the case of Corvus you can look at 84-100 days from champion introduction before they even make it into this crystal. These crystals cost 1.5x the cost of a normal 5* crystal. Afterward they are put into the base pool along with numerous other champions.
3 months from champion introduction or exceptional spending and STILL a very low chance at acquiring these champions is a big reason that is very quickly driving my away from this game. I am finding that new champions released are barely playable at a high level for me because the odds of getting them are just so low. These champions add up quickly meanwhile it is likely a year before they are reasonably found. I also realize that they end up in Arena but those numbers are prohibitive to reach.
I realize some of the ideas here of rarity, making money, but at this point it just seems like a big slug and a grind for for very little reward. I can't seem to get the new champs as 5s, which is all I would use at this point in questing/AQ/AW.
Maybe this isn't an opinion shared with the community but gosh it just seems like the time spent to get new champions is exceptional and/or expensive. Even then when you get a lot of them it's not even worth it because it doesn't fit play style.
To close since I don't like to offer a complaint without ideas:
- Put new champs immediately in 5*s.
- Update featured every month with an increased chance at featured.
- Substantially reduce costs across the board. At the rate champs are released people can pay to do them right. This will reduce piloting too.
- Focus on the fun and collecting factor and stop making so much stuff rare to get.
Bottom line, a game that is excessively expensive and time consuming for meager rewards is driving me quit. If it doesn’t start to change lots of players will too and by then changing things will be too late.
My last few 5*s were **** (Falcon KG and duped my level 100 Magik). Then just yesterday I pulled a Void. Rng is rng. It’ll eventually come your way.
And my alt who has had the worst luck in 5* opening for the past 6-8 months (Groot SpiderGwen Falcon Elektra etc etc), pulled Blade then GR in back to back crystals. So hang in there.
No expectations = no disappointment. Anything else is extra.
You complaining on duped magik while i still cant dupe her to save my life lol
Agreed. I believe that is where my core issue currently resides with the contest. It shouldn’t be that way.
While RNG is RNG the simple access even to that RNG is extremely prohibitive. 5*s are meant to be somewhat rare and due to that approach with a few new champions each month it will be years to use them. That seems like a flawed design. Create all these possibly awesome new champions that go unused for the vast majority of the player base.
Coming to the end of the first feature crystal, I think the majority of people will agree with me here when I say 3 months is waaayyyyy too long for a crystal to stick around. Seeing 50+ days on the timer waiting for the next one is so demoralising. I love the announcement of the pool and I think it’s surprisingly good with a few Demi god tier champs, plus (depending on who you ask) 1 or 2 god tier.
The thing is, like I said before the feature crystals are here too long. So, that’s my feedback. My suggestion to improve is slightly change them. I’m not saying take them back to before where they’re focussed on one champ. But I do have 2 ideas.
1) alter the timescale so they refresh every month and a half.
Then, split the 24 champs chosen for it into groups of 2, 12 champs in each crystal. 3 featured champs and 9 basic. There are the same odds for featured:basic champ but the time is so much shorter.
2) a crystal that changed every month and still had 24 champs in it, just that there were 24 new champions in the crystal each month. Keep the 6 feature champs the same, just switch out the 18 basic champions. Then, after 3 months of it with 3 lots of 18 basic champs, switch out the 6 feature for the next champs that had been released.
Either of these options are, in my opinion, vastly better than “here’s your feature crystal for the next 3 months, if you don’t like it, then tough.”
I opened a featured yesterday and got Moonknight. I then decided on opening regular 5 stars with my last 50gs and got Blade, Iceman, AA, Doc Oc and Voo doo. Luck definitely comes and goes with this game.
The main problem with your statement is that you're dismissing the issue at hand. Because you've delt with the problem doesn't mean it is not inherently a problem.
Perhaps you should actually read the whole post? It's less about my personal pulls and more about the access to the champions themselves. But hey, reading is fundamental.
Still missing the point here people. The basic pool is a gamble too and it DOES NOT contain the new champions. Waiting 6+ months to then gamble for champions with even worse odds is the main issue here.
Or just something you don’t agree with?
This new 5* featured crystal has a pretty good pool of champs. Granted there are a couple dumps in there, but it’s not horrible overall.
You win some, you lose some. You pay the extra 5k shards at the chance for a brand new champ.
It was the same for the old featured crystal as well. I do agree that the old crystals were a bit better, but I don’t think they way this crystal is set up is a “problem” or an “issue.”
I think it is a problem in that access to these champs take 6months+ So yeah I don’t agree with the system and the problem it creates is two fold. New champs aren’t playable for a long time and combined frustrating with access to them. For me and I have seen numerous other complaints on this, new champs are too expensive, take forever to get into the pools, and even then hard to get. It creates a treadmill of boredom and staleness.
If the body of your post isn't supporting the thesis in your opening paragraph, then you are doing it wrong. The rest of your post just explains how crystals work. I guess you weren't around when it took a year for champions to be added to the basic pool.
Ah. Thanks for the tip on writing. I'll make sure to note that when I go for my masters in online forum posting...
So back on topic, I see it as an issue even then if it takes a year to get to the basic pool. Follow other posts on here as well. The concept that someone is going to get use out of champion in a mobile game after a year is absurd. I understand that a reasonable amount of the player base has been around here for quite some time. I also understand long game but that's an exceptional long game.
Waiting a long time to access new champions is awful. It's simply not "fun". The daily grind to go through and build up shards to get crystals which ultimately aren't very often(not rarely) rewarding is a huge issue.
They were originally meant to be somewhat rare. They no longer are.