I've got 5 FCBD 50k Marvel Insider Point codes for NEW RECRUITS!

CallmelaFleurCallmelaFleur Member Posts: 235 ★★
You aren't getting them up front though!!! ALLIANCE HOPPERS ARE MAKING ME CRAZY. So they are yours once 5 wars have been played with us. We have a good group of guys and gals in the line chat and just want a full squad that is experienced and active. Lets be real - Seasons is stressful!!! We are recruiting to fill our last 5 spots. Run Map 52222 during seasons to take some of the pressure off. Placed very highly in Silver 1 last season, It would have been gold if we had the members to run 3 BGS. All the rest of the info is on the poster attached. LINE:CallmeLaFleur


Here is my MCOC Discord channel invite if anyone is interested:

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