Why does degen affect Vision?

Please kabam help me make sense to why Vision is affected by degen. It's not just vision it's all robots. Also why is Iceman affected by coldsnap? I have been trying to wrap my head around why these things are possible. So in your infinate wisdom kabam please help me make since of the things that should not be so. Thank you have a nice day.
This game is based on fiction, why does it need to make sense? Specially when there is no unique answer in fictional stuff.
You beat me to that one mate
Age of ultron Vision is made of vibranium
Dang it,You beat me to it too!
And yes,Robots can degenerate,Ever heard of "degrading"?Sure,It's only on a small scale based on materials the Robots made of,But practically everything shall at one point,collect dust and degrade,or degenerate.
Hope you enjoyed the semi-nerd talk.
See him as a blank model, and not as a human made of ice. Disregard his bio.
There you have it. No reason for him to be immune, unless the game developers want him to be.
The current canonical description of Iceman's powers is that he can pull the kinetic energy out of water molecules. Doing so makes them cold, and eventually freeze. Iceman is immune to the effects of cold, but do you think he is immune to the effects of having the kinetic energy of his molecules removed from his body by superpowers?
In the game, Iceman is affected by cold snap because he wasn't made immune to cold snap in his design. Same reason why the horseys jump around in chess: the knight doesn't move like horses do, the knight moves in a special way to capture the spirit of cavalry on a board game with limitations. MCOC is inspired by Marvel comics, but it doesn't implement a simulation of the comics, and even if it did the rules in the comics are so self-contradictory and change on the whims of the writers that there's no way to be consistent with how the comics depict all of the heroes and villains anyway.