Why do you allow griefing in dungeons?

So the new thing is to join a dungeon, close the app and leave. Come back later and probably have free points.
Meanwhile someone else is stuck either waiting, completing the dungeon solo and then waiting or.. nothing. A long cooldown on champs all because you can’t put in any measures to abandon a dungeon when this happens.
Just disable the feature. It’s worthless.
Meanwhile someone else is stuck either waiting, completing the dungeon solo and then waiting or.. nothing. A long cooldown on champs all because you can’t put in any measures to abandon a dungeon when this happens.
Just disable the feature. It’s worthless.
I log in and clear everything noded up to room 3 level 6. I see no issue
Now if you have any comments on how they could address the issue of players intentionally screwing active players by simply starting the dungeon then closing the app, by all means, feel free to add to the conversation.
I'll give you a hint, it's not about the skill required to beat the room, it's about the random partner "feature" that is allowing people to get free points at the expense of champion cooldowns and wasted time waiting for the dungeon to end.
I'd take a 'quit now and get no points' option if it meant I could try again.
Of Course you do, because you don't get any degen from 3 bosses do you?
Stop chatting mate
(that's at least what we did, has worked great)
And dungeon running is equally binary: is someone I know looking to run at the same time I can? Yes, easy time; no, it's going to be a nightmare... a long one.