Scarlet Witch still worth ranking up?

I have a duped SW (sig 76) sitting at 3/30. Just wondering if ppl are still ranking her over 5* champs? I have a 5* Magik at R4, 5* Dorms, GR and Morningstar at R2. Currently looking at exploring Act 5.4. Would she be more useful than my other 5* there?
She's a good sub for GR actually. I used to use GR in AQ but I switched him for MS and so far so great. I have Angela so the synergy is also nice. The issue with SW is she's has been and is getting left behind. She's not a 5 star and now there's 5/65 champs in game and even 6 stars. Her usefulness is getting lower and lower. Don't get me wrong she can still pump out a crazy DPS but my 6 star DPX can do that also (mostly cuz she's a 4 star and he's a 6 star but you get the point). The more the games goes on, the further back she gets left.
Sounds good! I might just go for MS because I enjoy using her and I've read she is great even when unduped. Thanks for the feedback! @saiyan
It's all perspective. SW is still VERY valuable. I still clear uncollected content with her 5/50 max sig. It just depends on what he wants accomplish. Then again, I ranked her before I had other 5*s, so there ya go.
Judge yourself! R4/55 Hyperion on AW Tier2 on immune GK miniboss