Is it time to introduce gear levels

Can adding gear fix champs like Kamala Khan, Carnage, Colossus etc.
Maybe as you farm for gear it fix the gold problem too.
I mean since the devs at Kabam are hell bent on making this fighting game a RPG
Maybe as you farm for gear it fix the gold problem too.
I mean since the devs at Kabam are hell bent on making this fighting game a RPG
Since 12.0 how many champs have they buffed, like 2 maybe it’s time to consider some other options.
12.0 was the only time I have seen an actual dev adress gears and he said that they weren't planing on adding them in the way were talking about but if they do get added it would be customizable items
Yeah I remember the uproar that the idea they would add gear caused, but now with so many crappy champs needing reworks the amount of time it takes the avg player to pull crappy champs maybe players would feel different if they knew they could take a champ like Gamora and finish Act 5/6 or LOL if she had proper gear.
This is a very weird statement to me. It sounds like you believe the devs are all hard at work trying to buff champions but they just keep failing, and if only we gave them an easier job like making gear then poof, suddenly problem solved.
Making a gear system is like at least fifty times harder than buffing and rebalancing the champions. Not only is gear a more complicated thing to make per champion, you also can't really release a gear system that only has gear for a couple of champs. You have to create an entire workable system from scratch that works across all or at least most of the game on day one. And you risk breaking whatever balance exists now in the process.
Imagine if you decide to add about half a dozen new synergies to all the current champions. And none of them worked the way any current synergy worked. And they would all release at the same time in a new update. And the goal was to give all champions new strengths and abilities with those new synergies. However much time that would take, I would budget about five times as many FTE months for a gear system.
What are you talking about??? I mean really??? Have you never heard of gear in gaming? Is this a new concept for you??? It’s not new in the game development world.
How many champs have they buffed in the last 14 months??? Is there something confusing you about that statement. You do know there is an answer to that question.
You read my statement did you not see the words “other options” you know like as in plural. You know as in there may be other things they can do.
LOL, I think the game has been tanked already. The META is to narrow and it has made the overall game stale.
The Kabam philosophy to gamer experience needs some adjustment
Yes I'm aware. I've worked with and on a few. How many have you worked on?
Fair points about gear but they could expand the class masteries as one way. Outside of MD the rest are useless.
Is B.B. any more useful in any part of the game now? Luke Cage and RHulk are now useful characters. Sentry I won’t include because that buff came in like record time.
Is Karnak any more useful is he worth 4 T2As now the way RHulk and LC are. Not sure I’d call fixing True Strike to what it should have been all along a buff.
Too many characters are completely useless in the game, I’d understand if like 25% were useless, 25% useful when ranked 25% really good with synergies and 15% great with synergies or something else and 10% flat out great.
It depends on what they do and how they would do it.
So many things could be done in this game if they just expanded their thinking on the META. We have X-Men teams, Avenger teams, Thanos Army, Defenders, InHumans, etc Collecting the teams has very little function in the game.
Maybe just taking catalyst and adding them to class masteries could be a way to make some of the existing characters better. Or developing new masteries like an Avengers mastery and if maxed out would give you an advantage in the current Thanos event.
Players literally have catalyst that are expiring because there is nothing for them to do with them.
I’ll let the other guy blabbering on about creating a whole new system have his delusions of being a game developer or whatever.
Thanks for adding real information to the thread in a constructive way. I’m sure many ppl chiming in didn’t know that
I don’t believe you comprehended what he was saying. At all. Your answer equates to “ why can’t we just have candy all the time”.
Not necessarily, but probably. Kabam is unlikely to add gear to the game just to be game balance spackle. That's rather nonsensical given both the effort required to make gear and the opportunities gear creates. It would almost certainly be added as a new progressional path, as it is used in most games along with sectional skill trees. That would almost certainly have a long term effect on game difficulty, because game difficulty is balanced primarily on the average player. When the average player's capabilities rise due to the availability of gear, the average difficulty has to creep upward to compensate. When it does, players with gear deficits will see a net difficulty increase over time.
It would likely be a slow drift upward, but it would eventually become noticable. Regardless of what the devs said about it, it is obviously the case that AQ difficulty was tweaked upward substantially with the addition of Sentinels in part to address this kind of power creep. It was only knocked back because they overreached with the change.
The fact that Kabam seems to lack a fine tuning knob on their game changes also makes gear something I wouldn't want in their hands any time soon.
As an alternative suggestion, I would like to consider adding a second signature ability that is unlocked at max signature level. For already good champs, it can be a nice little bonus. For the rubbish ones, it can be more significant.
I do also agree that only two champs being given a beta and significant upgrade has been really disappointing. They really knocked that out of the park, but that "needs improvement" list continues to grow. This combined with the fact that kabam will just release the same champs over and over as higher tier champs is incredibly dismaying as we will have to repeat this disappointment continuously.
and you have to duplicate 5 and 6-star champions more times than a 4-star lmao imagine having a sig 200 5* kamala or even worse a 6* kamala :-(
If you don't trust Kabam to properly balance champions, why would you trust them to make every gear addition help the weaker champions over the stronger champions. It is equally likely that the good champions get even better while the weaker champions gain less, widening the gap between them.
Most of the "bad" champs are only bad in comparison to the better ones. If Kabam adds gear and creates an all new level of top tier champions including gear, it will make every other champion part of the bad ones at the same time, even if they get stronger with gear.
Desirable and undesirable champions have less to do with how strong the desirable champs are or how weak the undesirable ones are, and more about the gap between them. If gear increases that gap, and there's no reason to believe it wouldn't, that would make the problem worse.