Vanquishing Blows changes

@Kabam Miike I noticed today vanquishing blows event had the points for milestones reduced by a good chunk. Will these milestones vary day to day or are the new milestones what we should expect day to day?
back to 240k... 300k soon?!
So it’s harder to finish a fight with a heavy atk than an sp2..?
well, it was cosmic and there is Hype, so maybe?
Not everyone has a hype. And even still, spam your hype heavy and they will die in no time
Lets talk rtlol map1.
Ok so youre using hyp and a pwr gain team, you still have to wait to get hit by the ai to reach sp2.
If I’m using spidey with an atk or crit team, all i need to do is parry and heavy.
Which is less time consuming?
Contradictional at it finest,
1 round: milestones limit 300k, finish a fight with Sp2 considered easier.
2 round: milestones limit 240K, finish a fight with heavy attack considered Harder.
Did you even play this game once in your life?
I agree with this, but for whatever reason their data showed people scored more points on the first one. Its not like they had months of data.... last time it was a week. Maybe One was a Sunday and people had nothing to do or whatever...... Pretty small sample.
What I would like to focus on is this:
The potential rewards for this is pretty high in 1.8M or so infinity dust. End game/near end game material can be purchased with this.
I am fairly certain their data should show them an exceptionally high percentage of these points are coming from RTL 1.1-1.3. At least last time heavy arena grinders got points, albeit less, for simply winning some fights.
I have a 6* tech, so sort of as an experiment I ran 44k points in tech combat while the first VB event was on. I got 90 something place and didn't even get rank rewards, that mean less than 500 people hit all milestones bc everyone was in rtl watching hypes power meter fill up.
The data will show an insanely high percentage of of the points coming from RTL 1.1-1.3
Kabam: You are telling me you want your end game players mindlessly upper cutting guys in RTL 1.1-1.3 as a fun source of entertainment? Starting a fight with hype/mordo and watching the power meter go up and pressing a button? "CMON MAN!" GUYS..... ITS NOT FUN. ZERO ENJOYMENT.
This is what the data showed us. Less people completed the Milestones last time when it was Finish the Fight with a Heavy attack.
And yes, I do play the game. I hit the last Milestone for finishing a fight with an SP2 from a Cosmic Champ.
Are rank rewards delayed? No one in my alliance, and someone else on the forums did not receive them yet.
There does seem to be a delay on the Rank Rewards being awarded,. Not just for this event, but some others as well. We're working on it!
It is for me if I hit the AI with the rocks. Charging her heavy or the Aftershock damage won't count though.
Doing rttl map 2 instead of 1 is less time-consuming.
Ok lets talk a out soing rtlol map2. Same situation...
Thank you for acknowledging the issue. No need to submit a ticket yet then.
I find starting in 1.1 and doing next to 1.2 is the fastest. Less loading time it seems. Not huge for me on iOS but may help save a few minutes for Android.
Doing rttl map 2 instead of 1 is less time-consuming.
I hear the Punisher is a long fight, making 1.1 long. I personally do neither, so I wouldn't know.