Constructive Feedback

So as most people will know there have been a few issues that a lot of people have had in game. I decided to make this thread after the little miscommunication with the dark artifact crystals and it’s definitely not to have a go at Kabam. It’s understandable that moderators delete and close threads that break forum rules but there are many threads that people make to genuinely give constructive feedback. What I’m asking is that we get more of a chance to actually suggest ways that things can be improved. If people have things they feel could be improved in the game we should be allowed to talk about it. This is just a small request to the moderators on the forums and if people want to post on here then feel free but make sure that it is CONSTRUCTIVE feedback so that it doesn’t get deleted.
Git Good, Well don’t do it then, You want stuff for free, if you don’t have the time don’t play, I’m an expert in game development and Kabam has the game perfectly balanced your idea would unbalance the game.
The condescension baits personal attacks then a thread gets closed. It’s pretry much the same group of trolls day in and day out. However mixed in are people with really thoughtful ideas who genuinely want to discuss the game not just see their words typed on a screen.
So keep posting, ignore the thread trolls because more players read comments than actually make post.
They respond to support tickets in the same way, from what I understand... this is the process:
1) Keyword search
2) Copy and paste canned response
3) Close ticket
They assume that any response closes an issue, and doing this paints them as a company that is out of touch with the actual player base.
The other issue I see is them going dead silent on time sensitive issues. When it matters they are no where and then they respond with taking it to the development team after the problem is no longer of consequence.
Discussing moderation specifics is against the forum rules, but as a general statement I can't agree that in every case a thread was shut down it was shut down for a clear obvious violation of the forum rules. There is a degree of judgment the moderators must apply, but there have been several recent cases where I would have chosen to moderate specific posts rather than close the thread, were I the forum moderator. There are a few cases that come to mind where there was at least some value to the discussion going on, but the entire thread was terminated for apparent reasons I wouldn't agree with.
Ironically, that's about as far as I can discuss that subject without running the risk of getting the thread nuked.
Regardless there are ways to improve the odds of keeping a thread alive. The strongest recommendation I can make there is to filter out as much emotion as possible when commenting on the game or providing feedback. That is an admittedly difficult thing to do, but emotion feeds emotion: even light sarcasm and aggressive tangents encourage others to escalate. The hardest thing to do is to remember there is what someone should have the right to do, and there is what they need to do to maximize their chances of being heard, fair or otherwise.
I wasn't aware that was a rule in terms of general reasons, I thought it pertained to specific actions. I simply stated what I've observed in Threads being closed. The fact of the matter is, people generally take the pi## and wonder why Threads don't stay open. There's really nothing productive that comes from a rant or a vent.
While I do agree with some of the points you have made here, I think that when players are able to rant it can help the mods/Kabam to understand the frustration of the players. For example, there are a lot of people in the community that experience problems with gameplay and although Kabam have started to nail down the problems on many devices there are still people that experience gameplay issues and you can’t expect them not to get more frustrated as time goes on. I agree that there are many posts which aren’t constructive but as long as the posts don’t become offensive or abusive in anyway people should be able to express how they feel about a problem.