Platinum 2 Alliance Looking for Members

We are based in Asia so you would need to be in the GMT+8 timezone.
We are based in Taiwan and Hong Kong so you would need to be able to communicate in at least simple Mandarin.
We use LINE so you should be prepared to switch if you’re not currently using the app.
We should finish comfortably in Plat 2 and are aggressively pushing for Plat 1 so we would need skilled players with the right champions to replace underperforming players in BG3 so you should be able to clear your lane in AW without issues.
We do 5x5 in AQ and we finished comfortably in the low 200s so your prestige should be high enough to keep us there. We have no minimum requirements for events and stuff but we do ask that you have already completed Act 5 or is close to doing so.
We play by the rules set by Kabam. If we suspect you’re piloting or violating any rules, we will remove you immediately.
If the above don’t faze you, my LINE ID is andycostawolfe and I will be available to take any questions that you have.
We are based in Taiwan and Hong Kong so you would need to be able to communicate in at least simple Mandarin.
We use LINE so you should be prepared to switch if you’re not currently using the app.
We should finish comfortably in Plat 2 and are aggressively pushing for Plat 1 so we would need skilled players with the right champions to replace underperforming players in BG3 so you should be able to clear your lane in AW without issues.
We do 5x5 in AQ and we finished comfortably in the low 200s so your prestige should be high enough to keep us there. We have no minimum requirements for events and stuff but we do ask that you have already completed Act 5 or is close to doing so.
We play by the rules set by Kabam. If we suspect you’re piloting or violating any rules, we will remove you immediately.
If the above don’t faze you, my LINE ID is andycostawolfe and I will be available to take any questions that you have.
I'm just so done with map 5&6.. too boring. Would love to focus only AW.