the flag on post should have reason posted

OzzieontOzzieont Member Posts: 240
i been flag 2 times for giving my personal opinion on issues like cheating or making 7.1 mil in hyperion arena i know that im not the only person that gets flag for no reason . i understand that haters will hate and that we all have different ways of views but since i dont have any way to find out who is actually flagging my post the forums should add up to the flag a reason why the person understands the post need to be over check or revise by the moderator some dont have anything else to do but to flag everyones post


  • Spartacus29Spartacus29 Member Posts: 90
    I think a lot of people just flag when what they really want to do is click disagree but there's no option for it
  • wSWeaponXwSWeaponX Member Posts: 366 ★★
    Why does it bother you so much?
  • OzzieontOzzieont Member Posts: 240
    it doenst badder me i just think that posting the why a person wants to flag a post makes it more valid . i understand that some just do it cause they got nothing else to do , but if you ask why probably they dont even know
  • wSWeaponXwSWeaponX Member Posts: 366 ★★
    Ozzieont wrote: »
    it doenst badder me i just think that posting the why a person wants to flag a post makes it more valid . i understand that some just do it cause they got nothing else to do , but if you ask why probably they dont even know

    This is the internet man, asking questions like that will drive you crazy
  • MrcMumbleMrcMumble Member Posts: 161
    There's tons of reasons. Kabam sympathizers with Stockholm syndrome, trolls, closed minded people that think every opinion except their own is wrong. Basically the internet is full of keyboard warriors with no life. This shouldn't be news to anyone lol.
  • DarkArrow07DarkArrow07 Member Posts: 109
    MrcMumble wrote: »
    closed minded people that think every opinion except their own is wrong. Basically the internet is full of keyboard warriors with no life.

    Exactly! People get butt hurt if any opinion other than there own is expressed. Don't let them bother you bud. People need to "man up" a little more in life instead of living in their so called safe spaces crying all the time.
  • CarsonNicholasCarsonNicholas Member Posts: 24
    To add to it, you can receive warnings from the mods if you flag it and they don't feel it was spam or abuse.

    Or so I've heard. I wouldn't dare speak of actions that were or were not taken against my account.

    That would be a clear violation of the forum rules.
  • DarkArrow07DarkArrow07 Member Posts: 109
    I wouldn't dare speak of actions that were or were not taken against my account.

    That would be a clear violation of the forum rules.

  • DarkArrow07DarkArrow07 Member Posts: 109
    and what are points? When you go to your profile it says I have 8 points. What are they and why do I get them?
  • DarkArrow07DarkArrow07 Member Posts: 109
    Hey Mods, instead of marking my message as spam since its the first and only time I have asked it, you could actually be helpful and give me an answer. Thanks!
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