Thanos fight short clip got stuck in the middle of the fight lost controls of champ

iPhone 7+
Everything is up todate
Over WiFi not sure what else you ask for
Was fighting thanos in master event. When the short clip cane up. Except my screen didn’t go back to normal it got stuck in the short clip thing and lost control of my champ. Just stood there and took a beating. First picture shows that short clip and what it does to screen. Next one shows you after the clip the screen remained the same thinking i’m still in that short clip and watching it to where o have no control over my charcter. The next one is after I lost my cable to show what the fight is suppose to look like.

Everything is up todate
Over WiFi not sure what else you ask for
Was fighting thanos in master event. When the short clip cane up. Except my screen didn’t go back to normal it got stuck in the short clip thing and lost control of my champ. Just stood there and took a beating. First picture shows that short clip and what it does to screen. Next one shows you after the clip the screen remained the same thinking i’m still in that short clip and watching it to where o have no control over my charcter. The next one is after I lost my cable to show what the fight is suppose to look like.

1) Has this happened with other champions or was it only this one time with Cable?
2) Would you also be able to tell me what version of iOS you are currently running?
3)Would you happen to have any video of this happening?
4) Did you have any boosts active at the time?
Thanks for any extra information you're able to give!
It was only with cable this one time. It didn’t happen with any other champ.
I’m on 11.3
I don’t have a recording
No boost active.