Suggestion for auto A.I changes

I would suggest there is a new feature for auto a.i where it only does what we want it to do specifically so an example is vanquishing bows requires the match to be ended in a certain way so if it said finish a fight with a light attack then there should be a setup option where we choose light attacks only so it only uses light attacks.
Another reason why this is helpful is because we get more interaction with it so another example is the user playing normally and the A.i Auto fight will use the special 3 as soon as you reach that bar of power.
You have already implemented a small change quite a while ago where while the auto fght is playing we can use the specials when we want from our side so I believe this needs further improvements from player to A.I interaction.
Another reason why this is helpful is because we get more interaction with it so another example is the user playing normally and the A.i Auto fight will use the special 3 as soon as you reach that bar of power.
You have already implemented a small change quite a while ago where while the auto fght is playing we can use the specials when we want from our side so I believe this needs further improvements from player to A.I interaction.