When were enemies updated in act 1???

Something i just noticed.....
When did kabam update the enemies in act 1?
Not that it means anything for any of us.....
Its cool. It adds diversity for new players...

When did kabam update the enemies in act 1?
Not that it means anything for any of us.....
Its cool. It adds diversity for new players...

Why what dude??? I was asking when kabam dod something cool???
I think he is asking why you have so many unopened mail.
Even with the Trinity that Carnage made me blow my entire stash of pots.
Looks like they may be in the process of currently changing them cus from my looking at various parts of act 1 so far, it seems to onlt be the quests in act 1 chapter 1 that are different atm.
My thread has nothIng to do with what you are talking about.
First of all i make no mention here at all of anything to do with anykind of expolit.
Secondly when i posted this i had no idea about the revive. I was just farming vanq blow boints. Started at 1.1.1....
thirdly kabam would know about it from atleast one thread they had previously deleted. And also from in game data.
Thirdly common sense tells you when there is an exploitable problem in a game... it will get fixed at some point