Dungeon 6 Rhino Blocking after light to SP2 Combo. Videos.

Device and Version: Samsung Galaxy Note 8
Device Operating System: Android 8.0
Mobile Carrier: Verizon
Cellular or WiFi: Both
Game Version Installed: 18.0.1
Game Mode: Dungeons so far. I will try to recreate elsewhere.
Champions Affected: Red Hulk R4 VS Dungeon 6 Rhino
Active Boosts: 20% attack
Description of the Issue: For the second time in the same fight after ending my combo on a light attack and immediately triggering my SP 2 Rhino is allowed to recover and block the subsequent SP2. We know that this is not working as intended.
Screenshot or Video:
Device Operating System: Android 8.0
Mobile Carrier: Verizon
Cellular or WiFi: Both
Game Version Installed: 18.0.1
Game Mode: Dungeons so far. I will try to recreate elsewhere.
Champions Affected: Red Hulk R4 VS Dungeon 6 Rhino
Active Boosts: 20% attack
Description of the Issue: For the second time in the same fight after ending my combo on a light attack and immediately triggering my SP 2 Rhino is allowed to recover and block the subsequent SP2. We know that this is not working as intended.
Screenshot or Video:
