How to Spend Infinity Dust

GeekArtsGeekArts Member Posts: 94
edited May 2018 in Strategy and Tips
My newest guide on how to spend Infinity Dust guys. Let me know what ya think:


  • LoPrestiLoPresti Member Posts: 1,035 ★★★
    Nice guide. I'm still torn man. I want to awaken Gwenpool and Rogue and those Awaken gems are so hard to get (already finished Act 5 and LOL easy path, so I'm not gonna get one from there). But that T2A is calling me...

    I just know I'll get some **** Cosmic gem and then question myself why I didn't go for the guaranteed T2A
  • GeekArtsGeekArts Member Posts: 94
    LoPresti wrote: »
    Nice guide. I'm still torn man. I want to awaken Gwenpool and Rogue and those Awaken gems are so hard to get (already finished Act 5 and LOL easy path, so I'm not gonna get one from there). But that T2A is calling me...

    I just know I'll get some **** Cosmic gem and then question myself why I didn't go for the guaranteed T2A

    That's EXACTLY how I feel! Got 2 skill gems sitting in stash with no one to use it one. I'm prolly gonna get another one for all that hard work. #Go4TheT2a!
  • Anurag1606Anurag1606 Member Posts: 1,189 ★★★
    I'm at 6.55 million now. Soon I should reach 6.9 hopefully. I have only 1 r4 5 star GR unduped. I think I would like to go for awakening gem since I don't have any gem and my only dupes are 5 star storm and beast both R2. I have voodoo, rogue, LC, Drax, in my ranks. So I think awakening gem would be best suitable for me. Thoughts guys? I have more 4t2a so I can r4 1 more champ.
  • NatsuGenysisNatsuGenysis Member Posts: 49
    I'm at 5.something and based on my calculations i'll be able to reach 6.9 in couple days and it doesn't matter what i get because i gots 5 5* crystals so who knows what i'll get
  • GeekArtsGeekArts Member Posts: 94
    Anurag1606 wrote: »
    I'm at 6.55 million now. Soon I should reach 6.9 hopefully. I have only 1 r4 5 star GR unduped. I think I would like to go for awakening gem since I don't have any gem and my only dupes are 5 star storm and beast both R2. I have voodoo, rogue, LC, Drax, in my ranks. So I think awakening gem would be best suitable for me. Thoughts guys? I have more 4t2a so I can r4 1 more champ.

    Hey thanks for the comment. I think if you need the gem, it's a good opportunity to get it but you might not get the class you want so there's an expensive risk there. Ideally, I'd awaken Voodoo if you pull the mystic gem. Gr would be great awakened but doesn't need it. It sounds like another r4 is coming soon. Remember to progress through the end game content like Act 5 and LoL, you'll need good r4 and R5 5* champs. That means t2a will be very valuable. Up to you tho
  • GeekArtsGeekArts Member Posts: 94
    I'm at 5.something and based on my calculations i'll be able to reach 6.9 in couple days and it doesn't matter what i get because i gots 5 5* crystals so who knows what i'll get

    Good luck buddy! Hope you get something good.
  • Anurag1606Anurag1606 Member Posts: 1,189 ★★★
    GeekArts wrote: »
    Anurag1606 wrote: »
    I'm at 6.55 million now. Soon I should reach 6.9 hopefully. I have only 1 r4 5 star GR unduped. I think I would like to go for awakening gem since I don't have any gem and my only dupes are 5 star storm and beast both R2. I have voodoo, rogue, LC, Drax, in my ranks. So I think awakening gem would be best suitable for me. Thoughts guys? I have more 4t2a so I can r4 1 more champ.

    Hey thanks for the comment. I think if you need the gem, it's a good opportunity to get it but you might not get the class you want so there's an expensive risk there. Ideally, I'd awaken Voodoo if you pull the mystic gem. Gr would be great awakened but doesn't need it. It sounds like another r4 is coming soon. Remember to progress through the end game content like Act 5 and LoL, you'll need good r4 and R5 5* champs. That means t2a will be very valuable. Up to you tho

    Thankyou for valuable feedback. I have done collector once. Could explore uncollected Thanos this month. I need a good 5 star r4 duped champ. From the recent arenas I got blade twice , so I have the Trinity in which GR is 5 star r4 unduped and remaining two maxed 4 stars.
    Now in 5 stars my better champs look like this:
    1) Mystics: GR (r4 unduped), voodoo (R2 unduped), guilly (R2 unduped)
    2) Cosmic: Angela (r3 unduped), Drax (R1 unduped)
    3) Mutant: Rogue R2 unduped. Beast and storm duped R2
    4) Skill: Elektra R2 unduped. Og bp R1 unduped
    5) science: LC r3 unduped
    6) Tech: From a list of 17 champs I don't have a single tech lol.
    So my thinking is even if I get any class 5 star awakening gem it would be okay? Obviously better choices would be mystic, cosmic, mutant and science? If I get mystic should I use on GR (I'm loving him unduped even before I had blade) or on vodoo? I know he becomes a beast and needs the dupe more. But r4ing two mystics will be okay? I would like to hear your suggestions if you could. Thanks.
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