LoL Abomination

I'm going in for yet another path and i need to take on Abomination, i use my R5 SL as a main with mutant crit synergy but since i need poison immune which one would be better - I got 2 options: CM 3/45 or 5/50 Medusa? It's gonna be short timer cause i don't have anyone poison immune on R4 and above so who would deal more damage in this case?
Screw Blade, don't even have a 4*.
Curious about your thoughts on blade for that fight
Did you even read what i wrote lol?
I did. Wait until you have a 4/55 poison immune champ, the deceased enrage timer makes all champs with <2,000 base attack terrible options for all fights.
Thanks, that's what i was asking for. If i wanted to wait until i get someone r4 worthy that's poison immune i wouldn't even create this topic.
As a general heads up in terms of what you can expect - a 4* icey with near perfect fights took about 15 revives (boosted). I would assume Medusa should be a little less given her higher damage output and bleeds.
10-15 revives is alright with me for short timer non SL fight. Also both Medusa and CM would definitely do more damage than Iceman, that's for sure.