Actual question regarding act 1&2 item spawns

Been playing for about 3 years and I’ve noticed many pots and pans spawn in late Act1 into early Act3 (if just barely usually stopping end of Act2).
Am I even allowed to play these acts anymore? It’s intended for new players but the Revives (ESPECIALLY THE REVIVES) scale up to YOUR champs regardless of a fresh baby 1* to the manlier than Chuck Norris maxed out 6* (if those are even possible).
Those acts “are meant for new players” but they can farm those items too after they QUICKLY get the means of unlocking and beating those quests. Free 3* at barely a month playing, shards left and right, I mean back in the day you’d be BLESSED for a 3* but now even a 4* are common place for accounts under 30 days. And they can just as easily farm these items and the potions are meant FOR THEIR LEVEL and they’d get the most out of “exploiting” this anyways. Seriously level-1 potions are awful but occasionally allow an end game grinder to get 1/3 of 1 champ
Am I even allowed to play these acts anymore? It’s intended for new players but the Revives (ESPECIALLY THE REVIVES) scale up to YOUR champs regardless of a fresh baby 1* to the manlier than Chuck Norris maxed out 6* (if those are even possible).
Those acts “are meant for new players” but they can farm those items too after they QUICKLY get the means of unlocking and beating those quests. Free 3* at barely a month playing, shards left and right, I mean back in the day you’d be BLESSED for a 3* but now even a 4* are common place for accounts under 30 days. And they can just as easily farm these items and the potions are meant FOR THEIR LEVEL and they’d get the most out of “exploiting” this anyways. Seriously level-1 potions are awful but occasionally allow an end game grinder to get 1/3 of 1 champ
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Except it only REALLY hurts lower players except for revives which weren’t what was spawning
Any summoner worth their salt has SOMEONE able to slaughter the Roldier if not a full team and those potions are both stronger and almost impossible to get from missions making them actually more valuable to farm for way less energy.
It wasn’t even revives though… it was potions
And revives will STILL be plentiful as normal in acts 1-3 and 4 if you got energy and time to burn. This is literally an attack on the new players
Literally saying that random spawns still drop revives
Yes. We need random spawns of revives, that will rack of and save a player a lot of units
They’ve sold T1b catalysts and level 1 potions
The company might be. The mods, probably not. Lol
We have already comment on this issue, you can read it here. As this thread has derailed and become non-constructive, this will now be closed.