OG DD guaranteed stun not working

His info says s1 and s2 are 100% stun for a period of time, yet he keeps not stunning. This is not just in arena or vs players, it's in content without nodes. It happened just now on a dungeon boss. It's more like 50%. @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Miike @Kabam DK @Kabam Loto it's been on both iPhone 7 and Galaxy S9. Newest OS for each.
Which can still be reduced by ability accuracy reduction.
You'd be amazed how many people do.
I remember even one of the top Youtubers (won't name to avoid embarrassing him) doing the same in a video comparing the two versions of Daredevil, and suggesting that was the main reason original DD was better.
Can happen to anyone.
Not what he was saying, he was pointing out to OP its only 100% with crits.