Iron-Man Infinity War has broken Alliance Wars...

Congratulations design team!!! You finally created a defender that will stop alliances from completing your Alliance War maps 100%. IMIW on node 38 has done it!!! BTW, more congrats on designing a 4* version that has no problem shutting down 5* R5 champions!!! Again, node 38.
Well played!
Well played!
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How did you get that kind of information already?
In tiers 3 and up, the buffs are such that IWIM is insanely difficult due to the growing passive armor buffs. Not much can be done to beat him without spending a ton on revives.
In Tier 4 and below, it's a single active armor buff that can be nullified with any normal armor breaker. He is still hard, but much more manageable.
The difference between the two is night and day. In lower tiers (that apply to the vast majority of players), he's problematic, but still very beatable. The ones who seem to raise the biggest concerns are those in the higher tiers, but can appreciate the concern from those in lower tiers as well.
Stand your ground can parry heavy attacks
Ok use that vs a 5/65 Iron man on AW with almost 120K health and u most likely will time out...
You have no clue what you talking about, Go take an L on node 38 for 3-4 wars, then come back.
Irony aside, before posting make sure you know what's going on.
The armor stack bugs out on 38 if he's the defender, hence armor breakers won't do jack there. untill and IF they fix the node itself.
Again like in other posts you're litrally out of context, and clueless. The problem is not the char, but its interaction with node 38. you can easily destroy him in any duel but the war fight on that node is another world.
And again, stand your ground requires you to be blocking, can't activate if you heavy during the opponent's heavy animation.
Some of my comments about how to counter IMIW on node 38 in tier 1-3 AW were way off. That being said, I remember Medusa auto-blocking/auto-parrying my Hyperion's heavy attack in arena when he landed the 1st hit of his heavy attack while she was stunned. The Medusa AI was not stunned for the 2nd-5th hits of Hyperion's heavy attack and had living strands active, it made me think of how Spider-Man and Nightcrawler can be hit by the 1st hit of multi-hit attacks while stunned and then evade later hits of the same attack. I can't re-check this like I did to find out Mordo and Morningstar don't work against node 38 IMIW because we can't assess other players' masteries.
MS has an unblockable L2 so his autoblock is irrelevent
There we go
Was able to test this by dueling a 1/25 Hyperion with my 5/50 Medusa. I was wrong, great news because that means the heavy attack strategy against IMIW on node 38 always works.
Morningstar's sp2 does not remove passive buffs for extra damage. It would damage IMIW on node 38 but possibly not enough to KO him before time runs out.
Dude, that node has explosive armor. Hit into his block 4 hits, SP2, get a ton of power back from MD and repeat. It's a joke fight with her.
IMIW activates auto-blocks with a 100% chance that parries when he has 4 armor buff of any kind. If you hit him while he blocked 4+ times you'd get auto-blocked/auto-parried. 66% armor counts as 1 armor buff, 4 blocked hits with explosive personality would give 4 armor buffs, which makes 5 armor buffs without counting IMIW's passive molecular armor buffs and node 38's "armor: regeneration" passive armor buffs.
Glad to see other players are thinking about how to counter node 38 IMIW instead of complaining the matchup is too hard. I had said in another thread that the hard part about using Morningstar would be getting 2 bars of power before the armor: regeneration node armor to the point where IMIW had 4+ armor buffs. An advanced power boost would help accomplish that.
Be careful what you wish for. Kbm may grant it.