Duel Fix Suggestions

I think there have been a lot of discussions about how to fix duels. Here are my two:
1. Once completing a duel, have a simple pop-up screen that gives three options: Duel Again | Search | Home
This would give you the option to redo the exact same duel, search for a new opponent or return to the home screen which is the default action now.
2. In our messages section where we can see messages, alliance invites, social, etc, it would be great if we had a "Duels" section which showed our last 10-25 duel opponents for quick duels (depending on server lag with Kabam's testing)
I will many times use the Line Duelbot to find a champ I have difficulties with and duel on non-duel days. This would allow us to quickly go back to who we were practicing against.
1. Once completing a duel, have a simple pop-up screen that gives three options: Duel Again | Search | Home
This would give you the option to redo the exact same duel, search for a new opponent or return to the home screen which is the default action now.
2. In our messages section where we can see messages, alliance invites, social, etc, it would be great if we had a "Duels" section which showed our last 10-25 duel opponents for quick duels (depending on server lag with Kabam's testing)
I will many times use the Line Duelbot to find a champ I have difficulties with and duel on non-duel days. This would allow us to quickly go back to who we were practicing against.
Definitely the Duel again option please? It sounds small and insignificant, but it would make a huge difference in duels done in a day.
The process of having to search, have exact spelling, select duel person (and not accidentally invite them to your an alliance), then champ fight.. overkill for the little rewards duel event has to offer, but would gladly do it with a repeat duel option. Nothing really fun about duelling a player though.
Overall I agree OP, duels is a potential diamond in the rough in my opinion. Throw players little shards/flakes for PVP based battle crystals or something, that would be cool too. Finally put all those duel credits to use!