Relaxed but succesful 8.5mil ally looking for a couple

We would idealy like to get 2 members before wars come back online.
We just need active players
Semi retired peeps welcome... we have a few like that.... retired from grind but still wanna play
Active growing accounts welcome.....

Looking for active members.
We are an 8.5mil ally with a range of members
We needs peeps that are somewhat strong but we can be flexible.
When peeps are active they will grow.
We are very chill and laid back international ally.
Whilst grinding and getting rewards is good we all have lives and cant always play 24/7
Event Minimums - we currently have no event minimums however we do like to see people do their best to score points as we all like rewards
Alliance Quest - we have no dedicated bgs and we can accept that on occasion maybe you cant play much AQ but we do expect all members to participate and help as much as possible. The more everyone helps the easier it is for everyone
Currently we run weekly
2x Map 4
Otherwise we run Map 3 or Map 2 when we have war attack as it reduces stress and makes it easier for peeps with shallow rosters. Also map2 crystals give revives.
We may on occasion run map 1 map5 but not regularly.
Donations are 30000k gold and 2000 loyalty weekly
Alliance War - We have dedicated bgs and we expect everyone to be available for war. No excuse to miss defenders.
we finished last season gold3 and we would love to get gold2 this coming season. We are currently in gold 3 but on the cusp of gold 2.
We are currently in tier 10 war but with the right peeps who knows.
We currently run 3 wars weekly during war season.
In short all we ask is you play as you can when you can. Helping in AQ and AW is mandatory but that is our only ask. The rest of the game you play as you need to to have fun and balance with your lifestyle.
If you are gunna miss a few days let us know in advance.
If we sound like what you are after hit me up in game or on “Line”
Alliance Tag: [TCR16]
Alliance Name: Technicolour Revolution
Leaders in game Name : Maat1985
Leaders Line ID : Maat1985
We just need active players
Semi retired peeps welcome... we have a few like that.... retired from grind but still wanna play
Active growing accounts welcome.....

Looking for active members.
We are an 8.5mil ally with a range of members
We needs peeps that are somewhat strong but we can be flexible.
When peeps are active they will grow.
We are very chill and laid back international ally.
Whilst grinding and getting rewards is good we all have lives and cant always play 24/7
Event Minimums - we currently have no event minimums however we do like to see people do their best to score points as we all like rewards
Alliance Quest - we have no dedicated bgs and we can accept that on occasion maybe you cant play much AQ but we do expect all members to participate and help as much as possible. The more everyone helps the easier it is for everyone
Currently we run weekly
2x Map 4
Otherwise we run Map 3 or Map 2 when we have war attack as it reduces stress and makes it easier for peeps with shallow rosters. Also map2 crystals give revives.
We may on occasion run map 1 map5 but not regularly.
Donations are 30000k gold and 2000 loyalty weekly
Alliance War - We have dedicated bgs and we expect everyone to be available for war. No excuse to miss defenders.
we finished last season gold3 and we would love to get gold2 this coming season. We are currently in gold 3 but on the cusp of gold 2.
We are currently in tier 10 war but with the right peeps who knows.
We currently run 3 wars weekly during war season.
In short all we ask is you play as you can when you can. Helping in AQ and AW is mandatory but that is our only ask. The rest of the game you play as you need to to have fun and balance with your lifestyle.
If you are gunna miss a few days let us know in advance.
If we sound like what you are after hit me up in game or on “Line”
Alliance Tag: [TCR16]
Alliance Name: Technicolour Revolution
Leaders in game Name : Maat1985
Leaders Line ID : Maat1985
we require only activity in aq and aw
obviously your champs must be strong enough to atleast be able to compete in our aq and aw.....
i cant have peeps join who only have 1/10 4* as top champ......
looking again......
would start a new thread as some of the info here is outdated but i am behind bars so cant start a new thread atm......
most things are same as in my OP....
We are now a 10 mil Ally......
we run AQ maps 5,4,3 daily. bg1 map5, bg2 map4 and bg3 map3
donations are now 59000 gold, 7500 BCs, 4400 Loyalty.
we are still chill and relaxed. we just need a couple actives for AW and AQ.
strength is not as important as activity levels are.
we are currently only war tier 12 but on our way up with the last 4 wins in a row.......
Alliance Tag: [TCR16]
Alliance Name: Technicolour Revolution
Leaders in game Name : Maat1985
Leaders Line ID : Maat1985