Device sharing versus Account Sharing

I've tried to message Kabam about this already so I'm hoping someone can help. My household has 4 active playing accounts. We have 6 devices between us. The device we play on in that moment depends upon battery life, cracked screen, 12 year old watching YouTube, or a 3 year old watching Netflix. Does Kabam look at IP addresses? Do they message people first? This is very unclear and my alliance was penalized for account sharing. Kabam states that you can have multiple accounts and play on multiple devices. Mine are all on the same wifi, phone plan, or mobile hotspot. @Kabam Miike can you please provide more information? I dont want to be hurting my alliance, however I am following the rules.


  • Kabam LyraKabam Lyra Member Posts: 2,936 ★★★★
    We cannot comment on your individual account and situation on the forums. If you have questions about your account, please contact support.
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