Seeking alliance

I'm 83k rating every day grinder I get my part done for events and I'm good at aq and still learning in the aw if your intreasted in me message me on fora first with info of alliance. I will not be a lost cause for your alliance
AQ: Organized and currently 5x map 4 each week
AW: 3 times a week
Weekly SA
All milestones in completion, item use and duel skirmish
No arena requirements
The focus in our alliance is on communication and personal growth, we help each other with info about masteries, arena streaks, rank up advice, ... and of course there's always some fun to be had in our main chat aswell!
Willingness to learn and communicate is more important than player rating to us, but to keep up with everyone we would like future members to have at least six 4* Rank 4 champions.
We use LINE for communication.
Please respond through LINE or ingame.
Gwennie333 (Line user ID and ingame name)