Blade's danger sense with trinity and 95% debuff shrug not working properly

I feel that blade has been silently nerfed and i can tell few of my observations
Remeber blade+spidey = 85% ability reduction for dimensionals, + Gr= expanded to villians
I have been using him since i got him in d last featured crystal b4 the new ones came out, and he was gr8, mammus degen didn't use to pop up often, magiks limbo never showed up, meph aura very few times, morningstar would not bleed blade for many hits, he would shrug off bleed very fast (based on powerlevels of course). Lately i have been observing
1. Mammu procs degen very often- in war also in act 5 quest 3.1 whr u have mammu after portal B to mystic path
2. Mephisto aura comes very very often.. almost procs 80% of time
3. Morning star bleeds u in every combo - in aq too
5. Magik's limbo procs more than it used to, but it still is less - around 25% ( which is more than what it should be but manageable)
6. Modok's autoblock reforms within 10 hits.
Blade doesn't shrug off bleed faster as his passive claims. Stuns are still being shrugged of as usual.
DEAR KABAM, if blade has been meddled with or nerfed, we deserve to know. If its a problem or bug then please fix it.
P.S - many other blade users that i have interacted with also claim similar observations and say he is not what he used to be. I urge blade users to please comment here.
Kindly investigate the issues with blade.
Remeber blade+spidey = 85% ability reduction for dimensionals, + Gr= expanded to villians
I have been using him since i got him in d last featured crystal b4 the new ones came out, and he was gr8, mammus degen didn't use to pop up often, magiks limbo never showed up, meph aura very few times, morningstar would not bleed blade for many hits, he would shrug off bleed very fast (based on powerlevels of course). Lately i have been observing
1. Mammu procs degen very often- in war also in act 5 quest 3.1 whr u have mammu after portal B to mystic path
2. Mephisto aura comes very very often.. almost procs 80% of time
3. Morning star bleeds u in every combo - in aq too
5. Magik's limbo procs more than it used to, but it still is less - around 25% ( which is more than what it should be but manageable)
6. Modok's autoblock reforms within 10 hits.
Blade doesn't shrug off bleed faster as his passive claims. Stuns are still being shrugged of as usual.
DEAR KABAM, if blade has been meddled with or nerfed, we deserve to know. If its a problem or bug then please fix it.
P.S - many other blade users that i have interacted with also claim similar observations and say he is not what he used to be. I urge blade users to please comment here.
Kindly investigate the issues with blade.
Dude, blade himself has 40% + 45% from stark. Thats 85%.
Or u mean to say 45% of 60%?
It's 40% + (45% * 40 = 18) = 58%
It's not added, it's multiplied by a percentage, so it's 145% of 40
If you want to say that I'm wrong, well let's take a look at Hulk (Ragnarok), and his synergy called with Black Widow called Lullaby. Now this synergy gives Black Widow a 100% increased chance to dodge. She does not have a 103% chance to dodge. She has a 6% chance to dodge.
You’re wrong. It is 58%, always has been. There’s no issue with him. You just need to get your facts straight.
Something else you are missing aside from your absolutely incorrect assumption of his ability reduction is that his ability to shrug off debuffs is based on power. To get to the 95% threshold, you must be at 3 bars of power. It's clearly written in his stats. Your entire post is way off base.
I think i know that its based on powerlevels, already mentioned it. But i think he is not shrugging of as often as he used to even at full powerlevels.
I think i m miss
I think it should be 45% of remaining 60%... Sorry, but i am not getting ur calculation
He put the exact formula right there in his comment
He doesn’t shrug it off, he just decreases the duration.
Shrugging it off doesn't mean nullifying it. If the buff lasts for 10 seconds then at 3 bars of power it would last only .5 seconds. As a person that has an R5 Blade, I can't remember the last time I even let him get to L3 TBH. His L2 is a game changer.
He has a base 40% ability accuracy reduction from danger sense. The synergy makes his danger sense 45% more potent, i.e. 45% of the 40% base is added on. 40 + (40 * .45) = 58
You're way off base here OP. Take heed of the other comments on the thread. The other posters have it right