AA significantly worse LOL option after update (tested) RDT for my 5/65 please Kabam

Hey guys
I thought id share it will the community for anyone contemplating ranking up AA for LOL.
I had my suspicions the change to his stun would have an effect in LOL & after just testing my 5/65 I can officially say he is a much worse option for your main LOL clearing champ.
With his stun on neurotoxin expiring being passive it degated the limber in lol guaranteeing you a 1.5 sec stun throughout a LOL fight I can confirm it now acts as normal stun and in fact makes it a detriment as each one makes the stun length shorter.
I knew this when ranking AA up and was a big part of ranking him up for me.
I implore Kabam to make right on the change they have made and give out 5* AA specific RDTs for people like me who have gone all in on this awesome Champion to push me through the labyrinth only to have our investment significantly devalued for the end game content we ranked him up for.
Please Kabam do the right thing...
@RichTheMan If you would like to featured this on MCOC news
Please don't let this be swept under the career. who's next? Blade? Stark Spidey
I thought id share it will the community for anyone contemplating ranking up AA for LOL.
I had my suspicions the change to his stun would have an effect in LOL & after just testing my 5/65 I can officially say he is a much worse option for your main LOL clearing champ.
With his stun on neurotoxin expiring being passive it degated the limber in lol guaranteeing you a 1.5 sec stun throughout a LOL fight I can confirm it now acts as normal stun and in fact makes it a detriment as each one makes the stun length shorter.
I knew this when ranking AA up and was a big part of ranking him up for me.
I implore Kabam to make right on the change they have made and give out 5* AA specific RDTs for people like me who have gone all in on this awesome Champion to push me through the labyrinth only to have our investment significantly devalued for the end game content we ranked him up for.
Please Kabam do the right thing...
@RichTheMan If you would like to featured this on MCOC news
Please don't let this be swept under the career. who's next? Blade? Stark Spidey
Did you read the post? He got nerfed heavily in LOL. This guy 5/65 his AA to use as his main LOL clearer. And normal people can only r5 1 champ... I think a RDT is in order so he can choose another champ to r5 to bring into LOL.
I read the post just fine. I am just saying it doesn’t say in his abilities that he bypasses limber or even stun immune nodes. I understand that Kabam’s statement has been working as intended and not a bug and they changed it. That’s **** but not the topic. The topic is he wants a RDT because he specifically only ranked AA because of that specific ability. An ability that isn’t really even in his ability set. I’m not condoning Kabam’s stance. I’m simply making a point that he ranked up AA solely for that one ability that isn’t even really real.
I don’t mean to be closed minded but people shouldn’t be ranking up based on these obscure things you can do with champs. Although this isn’t quite as bad as when people were crying about the GP “nerf” and wanted rank down tickets because they couldn’t pin enemies in the corner anymore. Like I said, what Kabam did was **** by intentionally stating it was working as intended and then changed it. But if you’re ranking AA solely for the fact you can bypass limber and stun immune, come on.
Lol.. I don't even have a 5 star and this bothers me. You realize you just said you shouldn't rank up a champ due to his abilities...? Even if it's just a small part of their abilities it's still their abilities. Enervate is a small part of Gwenpool but it makes a big difference.
That is not at all what I said.
@V1PER1987 how far are you in LoL?
I’ve done 4 paths.
I am under the assumption that everyone ranks their champs based on what they do specifically. Including the little obscure things.
Especially the obscure the things
Well 80% top alliance also rank blade for his danger sense. If danger sense ended up bypassing too many ability or they got the % wrong and get changed, what will you think? Come on.
AA didn’t have game breaking abilities this change to his features wasn’t called for, players weren’t stockpiling units for a shot at AA. Players are rightfully upset over these changes even tho in reality they haven’t changed AA fundamentally. Knowing how to use the champs is more important than having them.
Kabam is tuning the game they way in which their game philosophy calls for. It is not a player friendly game, it’s not even fun anymore. Take it or leave it is all you are left with.
This is absolutely ridiculous, end of the day these champs were ranked up for specific utility no matter how quirky which were acknowledged by Kabam & never actively admitted were a bug or put up on the Bugs to be fixed list.
Its extremely sad & disappointing for me as a long time player (since release) to have my years of grind discounted by Kabam without warning I am not free to play & will happily admit it as I dont mind supporting developers of a game I play as much as this one.
Unfortunately my wallet will now be closed as Kabam don't respect me as a customer as such I no longer feel I should support them either.
1 star app store review incoming as well, pity they care so little for their customers that they couldnt offer 5* champion specific rank down tickets for changes.
@Kabam Miike Please take it to the team/management that your poor customer service & lack of accountability has cost you another paying customer.
Why they insist on pissing off their player base due to pure stubbornness is beyond me its just less money in their pockets at the end of the day.