Silent Spider-Man symbiote buff

I was fighting a Spider-Man symbiote on trials of the mad titan when I noticed this
Spider-Man’s evade is no longer a buff why are kabam making this silent or changing this at all

also I can see it as another Ronan's nerf. make his sig count passives than as well!
What's a Ronin?
Nobody does nerds. They take care of themselves.
Lmao 10/10
Come on dude really? Couldn't you understand it was written as buffs or nerfs? It was autocorrect issue. At least if you read the whole thing anyone could understand. I thought not to post again saying autocorrect issues but thanx to you I had to. Stay on topic please. Instead of pointing needless mistakes
You can still edit you know...
I did it. Thankyou.
Just to be Devil's Advocate, I believe it was a joke, not really a dig.
They claim to not do silent changes,I used to believe them,But this has gone too far.Almost as if the compensation we received was to distract us from these kinds of changes.Wasnt even in patch notes,I know now that Spidey's evade could be nullified too,Before this.
So now you jump on this? It would be so hard to stay on the topic? This is a serious topic that needs to be addressed. Mods claim they don't do any changes to any champs without informing. But here is clearly visible they made a big change without telling the community. So here's a doubt a big doubt on their so called transparency. Please do not quote me again if out of topic.
I haven't updated yet..