Class Catalist Arena

Hi all!
IMO the catalist clash arena totally surplus, and waste time.
the reward is ridiculous if you pull ISO8. (my stash full - more than 2000 pcs - of iso8 usually must sell it!)
Maybe it's time to change it the rewards.
IMO need Guaranted T1A, and other serious catalists.
T1A 50%
T4BC 30%
T4CC 20%
what do you think?
IMO the catalist clash arena totally surplus, and waste time.
the reward is ridiculous if you pull ISO8. (my stash full - more than 2000 pcs - of iso8 usually must sell it!)
Maybe it's time to change it the rewards.
IMO need Guaranted T1A, and other serious catalists.
T1A 50%
T4BC 30%
T4CC 20%
what do you think?