Uncollected Tips

Zeronaut81Zeronaut81 Member Posts: 290 ★★
I'm looking to attempt a run at uncollected over the next week. Any tips?
Here's my likely roster:
4* 5/50 Dr. Voodoo sig 54
4* 4/40 Medusa sig 48
5* 2/35 Guillotine sig 29
4*4/40 Iceman sig 48

Then one of the following 4* 4/40 (all duped): Starlord, Yondu, Red Hulk, Magik. I have a 5* 2/35 unduped Rogue I can bring along, too.

I really wish I had another 5/50 4*, but I'd like to attempt it & adjust rather than wait for 3+ more T4b. I'm just getting to a point where I'm getting enough t4cc to start getting my roster looking great, rather than good.

Any thoughts on my roster? Do I have a decent chance of getting through 5.2?


  • raffsterraffster Member Posts: 1,071 ★★★
    The champs you have are all great champs. But you might need a full roster of R5 4*s or you will take a long time to get through the nodes. When I went at Uncollected I had one R4 5* and the rest were R5 4*s.

    If you’re really skilled get Starlord to R5 so you can get through more quickly.

    You’re gonna need an evade champ like og Daredevil to fight Collector or an R5 4* Hulk if you want to pound and ground.
    Which chapter are you on? I cleared 5.2.3 with one rank 5 four star and completed 5.2.6 with three rank 5 four stars. Which chapter are you having trouble on? 5.2.1 to 5.2.3 is easy. 5.2.4’s masochism is really annoying, and I had a bit of trouble with that. 5.2.5 and 5.2.6’s bane is extremely annoying. If there’s a specific map/path you need help with, it would be easier for people to help you. With your champs, you might have some trouble unless you’re an intercepting god and have many health pots and revives.

    Good luck though, try practising and observing others to clear the maps
  • Zeronaut81Zeronaut81 Member Posts: 290 ★★
    I'm just wrapping up 5.1 now. They weren't too bad. I still have to finish 5.1.6, but the only real headache I've had so far was 5.1.4: I don't have a stun-immune champ, so I got drilled by an iron patriot with mesmerize. I went with Iceman. I had to use a ton of revives, and swallow class disadvantage, but I got through it.
  • B_Dizzle_01B_Dizzle_01 Member Posts: 1,637 ★★★
    Everything up to 5.2.4 you can do with 1 or 2 5/50s. I’m currently stuck there and I did everything in chapter 5 so far with

    5/50 Hypes
    5/50 SW sig 99
    4/40 Blade
    4/40 GR
    And either 4/40 iceman or Yondu

    On 5.2.4 I feel like I need a little more firepower since the regen is rough.
  • Zeronaut81Zeronaut81 Member Posts: 290 ★★
    I'm not an intercept god, but I've been practicing. It sounds like I'm going to want to save some units/pots up for my run. Thanks for the advice!
  • CozmoXVCozmoXV Member Posts: 11
    If you have stark spidey, max him as a 4*, R3 as a 5*, he can take you far until you max him, he could help you with the OG ultron fight too, so he is useful against the collecter, except 5.2.4, he will perform badly there.
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