Who to 5/65? Gwenpool, Voodoo, or Iceman

LoPrestiLoPresti Member Posts: 1,035 ★★★
edited June 2018 in General Discussion
I can rank up my 2nd r5 5 star. My options are 5 star Gwenpool, Voodoo, or Iceman (which is also my AW atk team). I already have a Medusa at r5 but she is mostly sitting on AW defense.

My 2nd r5 will be ranked mostly with AW attack in mind (and act 6 of course). I already have Medusa as my LOL champ if I ever decide to 100% it.

I know all 3 are awesome and I can't go wrong with either, but still I'd like to ask: Who to rank up and why?

Who to 5/65? Gwenpool, Voodoo, or Iceman 147 votes

GamerNevvBmum_m2teekqXillymanRikuremaRotellySixshot1KennadoMrTicTac19992008Duke_SilverQuantumBobElitehunterNewtothegame1cx23433DarthPhaljlamadisonPedritkoMitchell35Kratos1991 29 votes
ShrimkinsBadroseCarmel1JRock808AnfwilksKoperBoyCapWW2vg2782StewmanzuffyKDoggg2017PurveyorKingCrookscruel_horizonKozelDarkDarkrider051haunted_memoryVeryCoolUserNameDragonFire2vinniegainz 57 votes
DNA3000Stara99ThatweirdguydanielmathSnakeEyes69AjavedErza_ScarletRaganatorHolyDirkness41ArrsssNyaleSpity68Thanattorbelli300TendersquadYotzManup456SpideySpeedbumpNabz034 61 votes


  • shadow_lurker22shadow_lurker22 Member Posts: 3,245 ★★★★★
    Any dupes?
  • V1PER1987V1PER1987 Member Posts: 3,474 ★★★★★
    LoPresti wrote: »
    V1PER1987 wrote: »
    I have to ask. If you’re at the level where you can rank your second 5/65, do you really need to ask? I would think you would be familiar with the champs by now and know who would be most useful. I’m not trying to be rude, I’m just genuinely puzzled. But DV would probably be the best choice overall.

    No, I know the strengths of all these champions, so I also know they are all r5 worthy. They all have pros and cons. It's just really hard to choose which one to rank. That's why I'm asking for input

    You already have Medusa, a poison immune. Unless you really need bleed immune I would pick a champ that has other utility. DV regens, has power control, and reduces ability accuracy of opponents.
  • V1PER1987V1PER1987 Member Posts: 3,474 ★★★★★
    mum_m2 wrote: »
    voodoo doesn't need to go to rank 5. doesn't benefit much from that IMHO.

    It's between Iceman and Gwen Pool for me

  • Solrac_2Solrac_2 Member Posts: 497 ★★
    Hey bro. Three excellent choices and all are worthy. Personally, I'd lean between Voodoo and Ice. Because you already have Medusa as a poison immune, I'd probably go with Voodoo. I'll be in a similar boat early August but already decided on Magik.
  • ShrimkinsShrimkins Member Posts: 1,479 ★★★★
    my r5 voodoo is amazing for AW. He definitely benefits a lot from the r5 since his overall damage is pretty low against poison immune champs.
  • LoPrestiLoPresti Member Posts: 1,035 ★★★
    edited June 2018
    Jodo_K wrote: »
    As someone with a R5 Iceman...I kinda wish I hadn't done it. I didn't really need to rank him, as he's not doing much more for me at R5 that he wasn't already doing at R4.

    So eliminating Iceman, I think its a pretty tough choice between GP and DV. I'd ultimately go with Voodoo if it were me, but that's just because I enjoy playing with him more and consider him a little more versatile than GP.

    The option you didn't include in your poll, though, is to not take any of them up to R5, which is honestly what I'd do if you can be patient. I have a feeling that the landscape of MCOC will be changing quite a bit this summer.

    Thanks! This is the type of input I was looking for. I don't think I can be patient enough to NOT rank any of these though, so one of them is definitely going up lol
    Shrimkins wrote: »
    my r5 voodoo is amazing for AW. He definitely benefits a lot from the r5 since his overall damage is pretty low against poison immune champs.

    Voodoo sounds awesome at r5! In your experience what can he do at r5 that he couldn't do at r4? @Shrimkins

    Or I guess with more attack and health he just makes all fights easier lol, but that's kinda universal
  • ItsTheBroskiItsTheBroski Member Posts: 492 ★★
    To me the guy to r5 is Voodoo, reason being because well with Gwenpool she's great just with these releases there are now better skill champs than her, with killmongers utility and Blade just they are better for that upgrade for more than anything AW. With Iceman he would be great to rank up, just in my opinion Voodoo will be a champ you use a lot more often. You'll probably leave iceman in AW defense forever at this point. With that being said Voodoo's utility is pretty damn good for many many match ups. In the end just think about who you will use more in the long run. I see you picking between Voodoo and Iceman. Good luck.
  • edited June 2018
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  • LoPrestiLoPresti Member Posts: 1,035 ★★★
    edited June 2018
    All signs point to DV. He should get more overall use than the others. But pick the one you like to play most because they are all great. DV is the god though, really go with him

    Gwenpool is the most fun to play for me lol, but I can see Iceman/Voodoo being a much better rankup in terms of value. Leaning heavily towards Voodoo now (thinking about it, he is also my main attacker in AW cause he covers all matchups so well)! Thanks guys for all your input!
  • BarogsBarogs Member Posts: 59
    LoPresti wrote: »
    I can rank up my 2nd r5 5 star. My options are 5 star Gwenpool, Voodoo, or Iceman (which is also my AW atk team). I already have a Medusa at r5 but she is mostly sitting on AW defense.

    My 2nd r5 will be ranked mostly with AW attack in mind (and act 6 of course). I already have Medusa as my LOL champ if I ever decide to 100% it.

    I know all 3 are awesome and I can't go wrong with either, but still I'd like to ask: Who to rank up and why?

    My vote is voodoo. Mine's 5/65, total beast. He benefits so much more at rank 5, idk what anyone else is talking about. Increased attack on even combo special 2 procs crazy damage. But to help you choose better, I would pick based on your war lane. GP is awesome, but she can be limited by a few champs because of her stuns (mordo, cwbp, etc.) Iceman I have not seen as many 5/65s as the other 2 unless they are used for defense. Voodoo is an amazing standalone champ that gives you so much utility, which I am sure you are aware of.

    For credibility reasons, I take path 6 in tier 2 plat 2 with 5/65 voodoo, 4/55 blade and either 5/50 dorm or 3/45 hype and voodoo is my go to for most fights, pretty much never die on the lane with him.

    Whichever you choose though, I can admit you will be happy with any
  • ThatweirdguyThatweirdguy Member Posts: 675 ★★★
    With the impending MD nerf I would hesitate to R5 Voodoo. With MD at R5 I imagine that he would be awesome. Without MD I'll take double immunity and increased attack on Ice Man IMO. I love GP but there are better skill options out there.
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,447 ★★★★★
    GP Can be your help for Medusa to if u need to take a boss Down after 50 hit GP wont get parry stun.
  • LoPrestiLoPresti Member Posts: 1,035 ★★★
    edited June 2018
    With the impending MD nerf I would hesitate to R5 Voodoo. With MD at R5 I imagine that he would be awesome. Without MD I'll take double immunity and increased attack on Ice Man IMO. I love GP but there are better skill options out there.

    Yeah, definitely gonna wait it out to see what happens to Mystic champs lol. I don't think Voodoo needs that much MD though so I'm sure he will be fine. I was even thinking of going back to 3/5 MD cause I get too much power when I just want to spam SP1 in some matchups.
    Barogs wrote: »
    My vote is voodoo. Mine's 5/65, total beast. He benefits so much more at rank 5, idk what anyone else is talking about. Increased attack on even combo special 2 procs crazy damage. But to help you choose better, I would pick based on your war lane. GP is awesome, but she can be limited by a few champs because of her stuns (mordo, cwbp, etc.) Iceman I have not seen as many 5/65s as the other 2 unless they are used for defense. Voodoo is an amazing standalone champ that gives you so much utility, which I am sure you are aware of.

    For credibility reasons, I take path 6 in tier 2 plat 2 with 5/65 voodoo, 4/55 blade and either 5/50 dorm or 3/45 hype and voodoo is my go to for most fights, pretty much never die on the lane with him.

    Whichever you choose though, I can admit you will be happy with any

    Yeah that is my main issue with GP too, BPCW and Mordo I can fight with her, but it's the bleed immune champs and so many bleed immunity nodes in AW that really limit her :/ But thx man, I love your input. Totally forgot about the increased damage every time Voodoo drains power!

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  • Cam77778888Cam77778888 Member Posts: 113
    Its ok to fight like doodoo just as long as you brought voodoo
  • Cam77778888Cam77778888 Member Posts: 113
    Hes a beast kills all the imiw stuff without having to touch him the last 15 percent. Bigger poison ticks from a 5/65 will make life just that much easier
  • PlagueisBanePlagueisBane Member Posts: 232
    icebro, double immune, great for AoN nodes.
  • TranminhbaoTranminhbao Member Posts: 127
    Utilities will be super useful in act 6.
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  • Vinitlalka1988Vinitlalka1988 Member Posts: 269
    I am curious, who did u rank up in the end...I preferred gp over voodoo wen my time came
  • 1haunted_memory1haunted_memory Member Posts: 804 ★★★
    my iceman is rank 5 level 200 he help a lot don't get me wrong on that but VOID!!!!!! can do so much more depending on your mastery set up
  • LoPrestiLoPresti Member Posts: 1,035 ★★★
    edited December 2018
    I am curious, who did u rank up in the end...I preferred gp over voodoo wen my time came

    I did Voodoo, and I have absolutely no regrets. I'm clearing paths in AW just with him, not dying, and I play in tier 2. His AA reduction shuts off a lot of hard nodes and champ abilities, regen for sustainability. I can even take on nodes like Magik on Biohazard by using his -50% AA reduction and having willpower. This node gives my Iceman a lot of trouble due to the insane Limbo damage, but now I'm never giving away deaths anymore. For Voodoo, his power drain and poison clean up a lot of fights as well. At r5 he has the damage to oneshot bosses, even debuff immune Medusa. Literally the ONLY enemy that gives me trouble is Mephisto. Don't even have to mention Uncollected EQ or challenges, they have become a joke lol.

    I'm getting ready to r5 my third, but I pulled a spark, so I'm definitely r5'ing him. Else I would've gone for Gwenpool! Variant and the latest challenge has rekindled my love for her. The unique utility she brings makes a lot of fights very easy. Still, unfortunately, she is no match compared to Spark, so I'm r5'ing him instead haha. Maybe in another 6 months Gwenpool's time will come, unless I pull a void by then lol

    Thanks a lot @Barogs for your detailed description, this is what made me decide to rank him up and I love him! With all the new champs he's getting severely underrated in AW as attacker, but he's still a beast, only rivaled by Void imo in terms of utility.
  • peasantpeasant Member Posts: 240
    Are you skilled at backdraft intercept? Have good knowledge of the in and outs of voodoo? Voodoo all the way.

    Iceman if you need a great double immune champ.
  • ClydaniaClydania Member Posts: 440 ★★
    as long as he's duped voodoo is a lot more versatile
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