Relaxed alliance with a new way to play
We've realized that the best way to grow in this game isn't to hammer 4X4 and often isn't even to hammer 5X5 while you spend every free second in arenas paying for it. Why not just grow your AQ prestige and get more points doing free maps? That is our strategy and it does work. We always stay in the advanced tier. We like to run 2 bgs of 33222, but we can even comfortably stay in the advanced tier running only 2 bgs of 22222. We pay attention to the events going on - we won't sabotage you from getting great rewards in the game because you need to slave for your alliance. If you are paying huge treasury contributions just to be in the advanced tier, then you are just spinning your wheels.
If you want to spend 12 hours a day hammering on a game, we are not the alliance for you. But if you'd rather play smart and extract the most reward from the least amount of work, we just might be the alliance you've been looking for. With us, your champs will be free to play story and events, not always tied up slaving for your alliance. That is the other reason you will grow faster with us. Friend me in the game (same name) or reply here. It might take me a little time to get back with you, but I will. We have 9 open spots as of right now, but they often fill fast when we recruit. We need someone who has at least 8 solid rank 4 4*s. Most of our crew is a lot stronger than that. Having high aq prestige makes map 3 feel a lot like map 5, so you need to be able contribute.
If you want to spend 12 hours a day hammering on a game, we are not the alliance for you. But if you'd rather play smart and extract the most reward from the least amount of work, we just might be the alliance you've been looking for. With us, your champs will be free to play story and events, not always tied up slaving for your alliance. That is the other reason you will grow faster with us. Friend me in the game (same name) or reply here. It might take me a little time to get back with you, but I will. We have 9 open spots as of right now, but they often fill fast when we recruit. We need someone who has at least 8 solid rank 4 4*s. Most of our crew is a lot stronger than that. Having high aq prestige makes map 3 feel a lot like map 5, so you need to be able contribute.
Lol. That's cause you were in alliances that aren't managed well.
They just weren't ready to run 5X5 like many alliances out there. They don't understand cost/reward analysis and instead of thinking for themselves, they looked around and saw "everyone else" doing 5X5 and assumed that is the key to success. Unfortunately, it is often the case that people collectively make poor decisions. That's why we get market bubbles. I offer the opportunity to be a part of an alliance that is focused on player development instead of just following what everyone else is doing.
Love your opening speech, however I do not know if I am right for your alliance. I have only 18 4*'s, only 4 are 4/40's the rest are all pending upgrades as I am in need of t4bc's. I play daily without fail, joining AW & AQ but not too sure how to to move about in them as I am not strong enough yet.