Pure Skill Mastery

Many of us has known for a long while that the pure skill mastery has been nerfed. I feel I have been taken by Kabaam. I ranked many of my skill champs based on that mastery and now I am stuck with less than desirable ranked champs. Especially 5 stars.
I would either like to see the mastery reset or provide the community with sufficient rank down tickets again. Otherwise I want to be reimbursed for the cost associated with maxing it out.
I look forward to your response.
Thank you
I would either like to see the mastery reset or provide the community with sufficient rank down tickets again. Otherwise I want to be reimbursed for the cost associated with maxing it out.
I look forward to your response.
Thank you
they have been saying that since last year
Please provide a link to Kabam saying they will fix it soon. The last thing I saw was that "it is on their radar", which is a joke since Pure Skill was nerfed in March of 2017, over 15 months ago.
been on there radar since 2017 don't worry tho give it another year and we
might get another standard message
That was in the Md and dexterity announcement
“Pure Skill is on our Radar, and after we have completed this test, and made any revisions that may be necessary, we will be spending more time on Pure Skill.”
Hardly a promise for a timely fix considering it’s been over 15 months since it was Nerfed.
When other masteries were nerfed in the 12.0 , those who unlocked said masteries were refunded units for those masteries.
Educate yourself
The original post asks for Rank Down Tickets OR refund. One of the two was available!
The nerf happened 15 months ago
when did you start playing?
Because it sounds like you got the Christmas RD ticket. If you started playing AFTER 12.0...then you deserve everything you've gotten and not a penny more, you dirty scammer. You knew exactly what you had when you got it....or had the resources to know.