Hyperion and Power Shield

I'm very apprehensive to come straight out and say this is a bug but something didn't seem right about this fight. I brought my 5 50 Hyperion in to try on the power shield node(35) in war. It ended up being a 4* unduped MODOK. I was able to attain 7 furies with Hyperion before getting to an SP3 and firing that off. He was maybe around 90% health before the SP3 and it only took him down to 50% health, with 7 furies active on a power shield node. This just seemed off to me, idk maybe I'm missing something but I thought that would've laid him out. Unfortunately I don't have video evidence, only the pic of the node after he killed me with an SP3.
Unless the OP fired off an L1 prior to launching his L3
Side note, when you have Hyperion for power shield, stick to L1 whenever possible. The enhanced attack power also applies to damage over time effects, so the incinerate tears right through enemies. Even if Modok autoblocks some of the later hits, at least it should push him away a bit so he can't punish you. I come across a lot of 4/55 Mystic champs on that node and they go down in 2-3 L1's.
As for the L3 damage on that node, I think it only applies to the base damage. So while the furies certainly make the L3 damage greater, they're not included in the tripling of the special's damage, just tacked onto the end instead.
But yes I’d say there’s definitely a bug with Power Shield node interactions with SP3s
I saw that video too. It made me test it, it certainly does not work right. S3 don't seem to get any attack boost at all.
I was mistaken earlier with the 90% armor it is actually 66% armor. The 66% armor reduces damage by 66% so the s3 is actually doing 33% of it’s potential, meaning the special actually did ~30k which to me looks like it benefited from the bonus but the armor mitigated most of that benefit.
*Also add armor reduction to the list of specials that are good for the node; like MM CM Ronan.