Stun Immune MODOK Question

AsmodeyusAsmodeyus Member Posts: 217
edited June 2018 in General Discussion
Maybe I missed the other threads, if this has been discussed please just point me there and I'll read up on it. So, I know he has the shield weird flux thing, takes hits or heavy to remove it but today he did something weird. During a block he proc'd dexterity, evaded back, and suddenly just unleashed a combo on me. Is he supposed to... well lack of a better term, "auto evade" ontop of his auto shields?


  • MordridCowl_1979MordridCowl_1979 Member Posts: 199
    Dexterity works just like evade for the kabam AI when on war defense. Kinda like the LOL evade. Almost everyone has it.
  • AsmodeyusAsmodeyus Member Posts: 217
    Yes I get that it works, and I have to admit I have had the disadvantage of not having to fight many stun immune MODOK's before. This just seemed an unusual action. He didn't do it constantly, it.. damn I need to get a video of this, if it happens again.

    Trying to explain it right, and I may be screwing it up...

    3-6 consecutive combos, he didn't do this,
    Next attack to drop shield, he just moves back instantly and again instantly into a counter attack.

    Is this a normal occurrance with this guy with the nodes?
  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★
    It’s a question that’s been asked a few times and no concrete answer, he seems to just be able to drift back out of range (with or without shield) while you are comboing and start hitting back or unleash an l1, im fortunate enough to have enough ability reduction champs to not have to worry, blade seems to usually stop it, seems a broken mechanic if you ask me
  • AsmodeyusAsmodeyus Member Posts: 217
    Speeds80 wrote: »
    It’s a question that’s been asked a few times and no concrete answer, he seems to just be able to drift back out of range (with or without shield) while you are comboing and start hitting back or unleash an l1, im fortunate enough to have enough ability reduction champs to not have to worry, blade seems to usually stop it, seems a broken mechanic if you ask me

    Yeah, he pulled this on my Blade tonight too.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,979 ★★★★★
    It's not just M.O.D.O.K. It's something I've noticed with other AI from time to time. I believe it was brought up, can't remember if it was confirmed or investigated or not. I get what you're saying though. They snap out of it and Evade rather quickly.
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